Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Leaving Ashmont

November 5th, in the year 670 by kingdom reckoning

The weather is turning cool and there is frost on the ground.

The air is practically buzzing with excitement as you break camp and pack up your belongings. Alis asks a thousand questions about where you're heading next and what the plan is. Rethas is no where to be found until right before you get ready to leave and he stumbles into camp with bloodshot eyes and a haggard look. He climbs into the wagon and meets any questions with harsh words and a glare.

You ride throughout the day and you meet many caravans of peasants moving in and out of the city. Everyone is cheerful enough except for one wagon, loaded down with cargo, that comes up behind you. The driver is a surly man who yells "hey, get that eyesore off the road you idiots! We're passing!" It's about 1 in the afternoon and you are on a bare stretch of ground. The road is wide enough for one wagon but you could pull off easily enough to let them by.


  1. Shade casts detect magic at the wagon.

    1. Does anyone else want to do anything while Shade casts Detect Magic?

    2. Dolgi dismounts and begins scouting around the area, keeping an eye on the wagons.

  2. Shade detects one magical signature of minor strength emanating conjuration magic from somewhere behind him.

    Dolgi is quickly left behind as the wagons continue on the track.

    The man again yells, "hey! Get that big lumbering pile of scraps out of my way! I've got a load to get to Bremel."

    He does have 4 horses hitched to his wagon versus your one (or two?)

  3. Thorvald, draws in the reigns slightly and his mount responds instantly to the slightest change, slowing significantly until the trailing wagon has caught up to him. Spurring his warhorse back up to speed, Thor matches speed with the wagon and roars his reply to the arrogant wagon driver.

    "Perhaps you should learn some manners," Thor shouted, allowing his inner rage to build to near precipitous levels. "or if you'd prefer I can join you and you can learn from my sword!"

    1. You see a balding, portly man perched on the wagon seat. He has brown skin, weathered by the sun and wind, an earring through one ear and tattoo with a bird motif on his forearm. When you draw back he reaches under the seat but pauses when you threaten him.

      His eyes widen and he puts his free hand up in the air. "Whoa now, whoa. I don't want no trouble. You're just moving slow and I've got to get this load out. I'll...I'll go around." He hesitates and looks you up and down, "if that's ok with you...sir?"

    2. Thor takes a moment to look over the portly balding man's wagon to see if there are any obvious threats.

      ((Sam let me know if I need to make a perception roll and what to add to the d20, I'm guessing WIS?))

    3. It's a medium sized wagon with an open top, covered with a large tarp. The load seems to be large objects like boxes or barrels but you can't actually see them, just the bulk of the objects stretching the tarp. It appears to be professionally loaded and tied so there's very little bounce in the load.

      The man appears to be alone on the seat and he has a large wineskin and a paper wrapped parcel of food next to him on the seat. Under the seat is a bundle of supplies and goods such as a traveler would have.

    4. Satisfied that the driver poses little threat, Thor removes his signal horn and blows one long blast on the horn to signal the others and then gestures for them to pull the wagon over to the side of the road to allow the traveller to pass. Turning back to the driver, Thor maintains his scowl and shouts, "Next time show a little courtesy and you may live to not regret it."

      Satisified that he has made his point, Thor edges off to the side of the road and catches up to their own wagon.

    5. He rumbles past with many worried glances at you and your wagon.

  4. Hearing the single long blast Dolgi remounts his mule and moves to catch up to the wagon, passing his stopped wagon, he continues forward to watch the other wagon.

    ((Perhaps at some point we should get 4 horses for our wagon, to give it more speed))

    1. He pulls ahead slowly and continues on apace. How long do you want to follow him?

    2. Are you hiding your actions?

    3. No, as a normal routine, Dolgi ranges a mile or so in front of the wagon and searches both sides of the road, allowing the wagon to catch up. As we get close to the evening he searches for a place to camp, then he'll ride back to a rider and tell them where to go, then return to the campsite and begin to prepare it for the wagon and the night.

    4. Ok, for the next 10 minutes the driver rides along the road, urging his horses forward and munching on beef jerky.

      If you're riding a mile or so ahead of your wagon, you're still in front of the driver after 10 minutes.

      So I guess my question is this: are you always going to be a mile ahead of your wagon? If so, you sort of missed this whole exchange.

    5. Make it 1/4 mile, basically scouting out things. He gets off his mule at times to look at tracks and such, scan the side of the road, listen for noises that might indicate large groups approaching.

  5. The rest of the day passes lazily and you find a nice grove to camp in.

    I'll assume Dolgi checks for tracks and he sees that the driver has continued on past this point at least.

  6. Shade finds a nice spot to roll his bedroll out atop the wagon and prepares to take first watch atop this wagon.

  7. The night passes uneventfully, but you notice real frost on the ground for the first time. It seems fall is passing into winter.

    1. ((Good stuff. Normal activities continuing for Draymun, such as tending to the bear and his goodberries every morning, etc.))

      As the camp is rousing and preparing for the next day's journey, Draymun participates in the typical morning chatter before throwing out a question to his fellows:

      "I've been thinking these past weeks, and I feel that our furry compatriot needs an appropriate name. He is fierce and loyal, and I feel a deep connection to him as I have fellows long gone. I propose an honorable name like that of a comrade who vanished in the night never to return, and I think we have all unspokenly accepted the truth: Tom has been slain. In memory of our his fierceness is battle, his courage as a scout, and of course his smell," He grins to the group to keep the mood from darkening, "I feel that he should be named Tom. Any objections?"

    2. Kring, breaking his recent silence, pipes up, "Tom is a fine name. Face it, the smell is similar, lol."

  8. Shade listens to the exchange pleased to have such excellent companions once more. Packing his bag and checking his gear a last time, Shade climbs down from atop the wagon. "Dolgi, let us set out together and scout the path before us." Turning to Rethas he remarks,"... prepare your message spell today and we can communicate over the distances with one another." Taking up his Quarterstaff he walks with Dolgi.

  9. The camp packs quickly and heads out. The weather is chilly but the sun shines brightly, perking up your moods significantly. Traffic has thinned out even so close to Ashmont and your path is clear for the most part.

    The only event of significance happens in the early afternoon when Dolgi spots a deer in a thicket.

  10. It is the 4th day of your journey back to Bremel and judging by the map, you think you're less than two days away from town. It's getting close to evening and Dolgi, still riding ahead with Shade, thinks he sees something stirring in the brush.

    (Perception check please.)

  11. (It is sneakier than you are perceptive, so it gets a surprise attack.)

    As you slow your horse to peer into the bushes, a snarling monster bursts from the undergrowth. At first glance it looks like a wolf, but it stands nearly shoulder to shoulder with your horse. It pounces and tries to bring down your mount.

    (6 + 9 = 15, which beats the 11 AC of an unarmored horse. It does 6 damage and your horse rears up in fright.)

    Please make a Dex check and Shade and Dolgi need to roll initiative.

    1. ((Dex check 14 +2 = 16))
      ((Intiative-8 +2 = 10))

    2. (You manage to stay on your horse.)

  12. The creature swipes its paw at Dolgi, trying to unhorse him.

    (4+9 = 13, which does not hit your AC.)

    The horse tries to bolt.

    (I need another Dex check please, this time to see if you can reign in the animal.)

    It is Dolgi's turn. The wagon is currently 128 feet behind, and in sight.

  13. Replies
    1. Your horse screams in fear and bolts past the wolf creature off the road and into the scrub brush to the West of the road. You do manage to stay in the saddle.

    2. Dolgi jumps off the mule after 20 feet, realizing he needs to protect the new wizard from major damage.

      Dolgi drops to the ground, shoulders his crossbow and fires a bolt at the wolf creature.

      ((hit-17+1+2+1=21 damage 7))

    3. That hits.

      Shade is up.

      At the end of this round the rest of the party will be close enough to see what's happening and react. I'll have them roll initiative at that point.

  14. Shade takes his chance to move backwards and calls to mind a quick dweomer, enacting a spell to increase his armor. Yelling at the top of his lungs Shade appears as a man insane, waving his staff threatingly before him and roaring out his rage at the beast.

    1. How far back to you want to move? I assume you're still mounted on...was it a horse?

  15. ((Initiative roll: 1d20+2 = 12+2 = 14))

  16. (Since he's with the cart, and thus at least a round away, I rolled initiative for Draymun. Of course I'll still wait for him to take actions.)

    At the end of the round, Alis yells out "hey! There's something attacking them!" and points ahead. You all see a very large wolf-like creature turn to Shade and lope toward him, attempting to bite him.

    (5 + 9 = 14, I don't believe that hits Shade's 15 AC.)

  17. Thorvald hears Alis call out and spurs his horse into a full gallop. As the horse nears the fray, Thor launches himself from his saddle as he feels his battle rage consume his mind. Thor draws his blade and launches a vicious attack against the wolf-like creature.

    ((Rage Power: Reckless Abandon(Ex) -1 AC & +1 Attack
    ((Attack Roll: 1d20 + 6(hit) + 1(mgc wep) +1(rage pwr) = 14 + 6 + 1 + 1 = 22
    ((Dmg Roll: 2d6 + [4*1.5](str) + 1(mgc wep) = 6 + 3 + 6 + 1 = 16
    ((Penalty: -1 AC for 1 round

  18. Draymun reacts quickly and decisively, spurring Tom into a fierce charge toward the battle. As soon as he is within a reasonable range, he channels the air around him into the tiny veridian dart that has become his signature before blasting it toward the beast with a battle cry.


    Bear charges (run) to get within range.

    Draymun stays mounted and casts Acid Dart.

    Ranged Touch To Hit: 1d20+Dex; Result: 16-1= 15
    Damage: 1d6; Result: 6]

    ((Booya on the damage roll. Also, re-reading what I typed before posting, and all I can imagine now is Draymun going all "Dune" on the Worg with his battle cry being "Muaaaaaaaad-DIB!" LOL))

    1. The Acid Dart will hit as well, the worg has taken 22 points of damage and is still on his feet.

      Kring then Dolgi.

  19. Kring, dismounting a ways off from the worg, pulls one of his spears from where it was strapped on his back, and hurtles it through the air, deadest on at least wounding this massive beast. Kring actually feels pity for this one, understanding the animal rage all too well.

  20. Dolgi hears the yells and attacks of his companions and recognizes how far away the battle rages. He loads his crossbow and then begins to search around, in an attempt to track the worg's trail prior to jumping them on the road. In addition, the young dwarf knows the stories of worgs and realizes this may not be the only one, so he tries to determine if there are others.

    ((Basically Dolgi is going to search for tracks and try to determine where the worg came from and if it is alone, meaning he's out of combat for now, plus it takes a full round action to load his crossbow and he has a mule to find at some point.))

    1. The tracks lead perpendicular to the road. How long do you want to follow them?

    2. ((Back to at least where the wagon is.))

      Dolgi blows the signal for on a trail and okay.

  21. Shade takes advantage of the newcomers distractions to step back five feet and begin to recite a new spell. Drawing upon another of his most powerful spells he summons a streak of purplish-black energy which darts forth unerringly from his fingers to speed towards the beast. Behind his cowl a smile of satisfaction creeps over face, and although none can see it, he is clearly pleased by his work.

  22. The worg has taken 29 points of damage and is still fighting. He turns toward the new threat of the barbarian and tries to bite at him.

    (11+9=20 which I believe hits. 10 damage and he attempts to trip you: 13 + 9 = 22. Thorvald is now prone.)

  23. Thor stands up, ensuring to protect himself.

  24. Draymun continues his ranged assault on the creature, maintaining his distance on Tom.

    [Acid Dart again.

    Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+Dex+BAB; Result: 16-1+1=16
    Damage: 1d6; Result: 2]

  25. Kring, seeing his companions taking a beating flys into a rage, charging at the great beast as he readies his axe for a massive attacking blow. Swinging his axe down towards the worg.

    1. (For the record, how much damage did you do?)

  26. Dolgi continues to follow the tracks back toward the wagon, checking to make sure the worg is alone.

    1. You only see one set of tracks during this turn.

  27. Shade steps behind those closing with the beast and makes a fist. Speaking phrases of eldritch power a shimmering progresses down the length of his arm, coalescing around his fist and he pulls back and let's fly a mock punch. The air before the beast shimmers as though moved by an unseen hand and swings at the creature.

    1. (Telekinetic Fist Ranged Touch Attack, Roll 14 + Dex Mod (+1) + BAB (0) = 15

    2. 3 damage from the telekinetic fist.

  28. Feeling the emotions of its master, Shade, the large raven swoops down from above to strike at the creature with both rending talons.

    1. (2 points of damage, correct?)

    2. The Raven struck for 2 points of damage, yes.

  29. The Worg snaps his jaws at Kring. He bites down hard on your shin and tries to shake you off your feet.

    (12+9 = 21, 13 points of damage. 18 versus your CMD, so he trips you and you are now prone.)

    Thorvald is up!

  30. Rayna awakens to the sounds of battle: the thud of shield, the slash of steel and the sizzle of spells flying through the air. She can’t believe she slept so soundly. For the last 3 days and nights she’s watched these men she’s been hired to heal and protect and seen that they are not like the last bunch of scoundrels she last traveled with. Last night she finally let her guard down and slept soundly for the first time in many nights. She can’t believe she slept so deeply. Rayna gathers her gear, rolls out of the wagon bed and wades into the fray.

    (Hi, guys! Thanks for letting me join you.)
    (rolls initiative d20+1 dex=5+1=6)

  31. Thor lashes out in violent retaliation. Thunor's Vengeance streaks through the air in a sweeping arc at the word standing over Kring.

    ((Rage Power: Reckless Abandon(Ex) -1 AC & +1 Attack roll
    ((Attack Roll: 1d20 + 6(hit) + 1(mgc wep) +1(rage pwr) = 18 + 6 + 1 + 1 = 26
    ((Dmg Roll: 2d6 + [4*1.5](str) + 1(mgc wep) = 6 + 4 + 6 + 1 = 17
    ((Penalty: -1 AC for 1 round
    ((Rage round 3 for the day

    1. Your attack slays the beast. It falls to the ground with a thump.

  32. Rayna walks cautiously over to the half-orc , leans over and gently puts her hand on his shoulder. (casting rebuke death1d4 +1=5 and again for 2+1=3. Healed for 8.) Then she moves on to Thorvald, touching his wounds and offering him a sip of water. (casting cure light wounds on Thor for 1d8 + 1/level =1+2=3)

    1. (I'm not sure that I can cast that twice on him. If not, I'll do I rebuke death followed by a cure light wounds 1d8+1/level for 8+2=10.)

    2. Assuming you have the healing domain you have access to 1 cure light wounds as a domain spell each day (unless you prepare a different domain's spell there) and you can convert any prepared spell into a cure light wounds by swapping out the other spell. (Think its listed as spontaneous casting). The rebuke death spell is only effective if someone is unconscious, which I don't think Kring is at the moment, but I may be wrong. Another healing ability you have is called channel heal, and that is an AOE heal that heals less than the cure light wounds but affects everyone. Think of rebuke death as a battle Rez, cure light as flash of light spell and the channel as holy nova. (Except holy nova deals damage to enemies and channel heals them, unless they are undead, in which case it would hurt them as per holy nova.)

  33. The worg is defeated and you each gain 150 xp.

    Dolgi, how long do you want to follow the tracks? They seem to lead along a pretty straight path back into the bracken.

  34. ((I think once I reach a spot evenish with the wagon, I'll proceed back to the road. Can I try to call or whistle for the mule? I don't want to spend a large amount of time looking for him, it's just not worth it, I can buy another and what I really want to get is two light warhorses so I can swap them out, riding one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, so they aren't worn completely out. Perhaps even having another crossbow on the saddle to provide a little more firepower.))

  35. The mule stops within sight of the road and begins foraging.

    Seeing as the wagon is only 30 feet away, the trail leads quite a bit past it.

    I think that's a good plan, and I'm thinking through some travel rules involving exhaustion of mounts (or people) when going long distances.

    Anyone else want to do anything before we move on?

    1. Dolgi spies the mule grazing and hustles over to it and leads it back to the road and the rest of the group. Once there he explains the track and that he believe it was a lone worg, at this time. But, he makes a note to himself to be more aware of the forest, chastising himself for not noticing the worg following sooner.

    2. I do believe you may move swifter without me in these woods, I'll return to riding amongst those on the wagon, just be sure to come ahead of us on the road from time to time so I can update you on our progress.

  36. Before crawling back into the wagon Rayna extends her arms speaks the soothing words of her healing spell (channel positive energy. 30 foot radius 1d6=6). Snuggling into the spot she'd occupied just minutes before she pulls her blanket over her head and is soon snoring again.

  37. (We're ready to get back on the road, so if everyone would reply to this post and let me know where you're riding and what you're doing during the rest of the journey, I'll see if you make it to Bremel safely!)

    1. ((Draymun is riding Tom, in the same formation as earlier.))

    2. ((Thor is riding his Light Warhorse with no name, trailing behind the wagon 10-20 meters or 30-60 feet))

  38. ((Shade has taken up residence with Alis in shotgun))

    1. ((Shade has his raven and when it is with him he gets a +2 to spot things, but he can also perceive the feelings or emotions of the bird at a distance, so it could be used to scout ahead and when it shows fear or disgust or interest or something we would know it. For now though I will keep him flying above the wagon and perching near me. If anything evades our front and rear spotters I may have a good chance to catch it from my seat.))

  39. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Rayna shifts her position in the wagon bed and continues to snore.

  40. ((Dolgi is riding his mule about 150 yards ahead of the wagon, stopping to listen and peer into the forest before trotting forward, basically staying ahead of the wagon, but not necessarily at the same amount all the time. So he may allow the wagon to catch him as he rests the mule, check in, the trot forward to get a lead. He'll peer into the forest on one side then maybe ride back along the other side. If he sees anything worth investigating, he would signal the wagon to halt, telling Thor earlier to hold to the rear unless he hears the horn sound. That way the wagon can't be jumped by someone from the rear.))

  41. "Dolgi, I noted many fine pelts that you hunted and trapped while we were encamped, but I never saw the process, it intrigues me, could you show me how it is done from this fine coat? We could always use another winter fur or heavy cloak, or you could sell it when we reach Bremel. After you're done I will also be needing some of the finer pieces of meat for giblets to feed my little friend here." Stretching forth his arm, Shade is delighted by the raven landing lightly atop his fist. "Harken here is a better bird than most and a hell of a lot better than the rest. I've seen him fashion tools with but his beak and claws and I have tried to teach him the skill of picking locks, but then he goes on at great length telling me how if I am so damned skilled than I should do it!" Laughing at his own joke, Shade pulls forth a piece of dried meat from a hidden pouch somewhere and feeds it to Harken who caws and flies up to the top of the wagon when he notices Kring looking at the meat hungrily. "Hark, Hark, Hark! ME-EEET!" the bird exclaims, drawing out the word meat so that it is part 'meat' and partly 'me eat'. Shade chuckles to himself and climbs up the wagon to give the bird some more tasty treats and have a good vantage point to view Dolgi's work if he agrees to do so.

  42. Kring pops his head out of the wagon, awaken from his peaceful slumber by two things: one, the loud mouthed rave, and two, the promise of tasty treats.
    "Anyone got a snack?"
    Not expecting a reply, Kring pops back into the wagon to gather his things and stretch his legs.
