Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Onward Toward Bremel

November 10th in the year 670 by Kingdom reckoning

The rest of the day passes uneventfully and you find a nice place to camp. The night is calm and clear, but very cool.

The next morning you awake and head out again. The road is empty and you make good time. Around lunch, however, you see a plume of smoke rising from the east.


  1. Spying the smoke, Dolgi halts his progress while scanning the surrounding area. He dismounts and begins smelling the air around him for anything clues. As the wagon approaches he points to the east and makes the sign to bring everyone in, by spinning his hand over his head. Seeing the wagon slow, Dolgi begins earnestly searching the road for tracks headed to or from the east.

    1. You don't see any tracks from where you're at.

  2. Draymun directs Tom to take up an escorting position to the West of the wagon, watching the flank in case the smoke is some sort of distraction.

  3. Rayna digs out the sling from the weapons stash and loops it in her belt. With the wagon stopped Rayna takes the opportunity to mount her mule and ride to the front of the wagon. She'll continue to ride just in front of the wagon or next to the driver.

  4. Khazad sends forth Harken, hoping to glean some clue as to what has occurred from the emotions it stirs in the astute Raven.

    1. The raven flies until it is out of sight.

      Any other actions any wants to take will occur now.

  5. After Dolgi finishes his search of the road, he says, "There's no tracks here that I can see, but I'd say we should investigate, from what Thorvald has said we are looking for some sort of bandit and perhaps where there's smoke there's bandits?" Dolgi looks to his companions for their input.

    1. Thorvald stoicly nods his agreement, but remains silent.

    2. Rayna waits patiently for a decision to be made. She's ready for anything that comes.

    3. "Harken will not fail to inform me what I can expect from ahead, I suggest we move forward cautiously and I will pay heed to his thoughts." Shade takes up his staff and checks that his dagger sits solidly in its sheath.

    4. Draymun nods his agreement.

      "It's as good of a lead as we've seen. Might as well check it out!"

  6. After seeing the nods of agreement from his companions, Dolgi leads the group off the road towards the direction of the smoke. Dolgi tells Alis to take it slow and easy with the wagon. He then heads off about 25 yards ahead of the wagon, after asking Thorvald and Kring to ride close in flank positions to the wagon. As the group comes to a hill, Dolgi rides to the top, careful not to "skyline" himself or the mule, he looks over the land ahead hoping to gain some information. As the wagon begins it's climb, he returns to the wagon to assist in it's climb.

  7. Shade, you feel curiosity from your raven, then excitement, then fear.

    1. Shade leans over the side of the wagon and tells the others as quietly as he can that there is danger ahead. He suggests that everyone prepare for a fight, and ready weapons.

    2. Draymun readies his warhammer and begins to travel prepared for battle. He gives Tom a pat and begins circling the wagon, keeping an eye out for anything unusual, paying close attention to the bear's senses as well.

  8. As Dolgi leads the group closer to the smoke, he spends more timelooking over the hilltops and less time with the wagon. Mist times dismounting to search for tracks and listening for sounds if approach.
    ((Before we top the last rise before the smoke I'd like to scout the area. Idea is to not bring the wagon close until we know what we are dealing with. Perhaps we can ambush them like the goblins by the river.))

  9. It's a bumpy ride for those in the wagon, but the ground isn't so harsh that you ever fear breaking axles or wheels. Alis, with the help of Dolgi, navigates you in a relatively straight line, through valleys and across ridges.

    Perhaps half way to the smoke (around half a mile from the road) Dolgi sees tracks of two horses heading from the west toward the road, but angling farther south so that you have just crossed them. Judging by the lay out, it's obvious that if they came from the smoke, the riders moved first north and then turned south but for what reason is unknown.

    About this same time, the raven returns and he has something shiny in his beak that is immediately identifiable as a silver coin, burnt on one side.

  10. Rayna can see that Dolgi is a serious tracker. She asks Dolgi to study the tracks left by the 2 horses to see if they were running or walking. Can he tell from the depths of the tracks whether or not there were riders? Were the horses wandering around nibbling on grass like they had no rider or were they moving with a purpose?

    1. (I'll just answer since I'm sure Dolgi would ask the same questions.)

      They were running. There were riders, and the riders were either heavy or they were carrying heavy loads. They were moving with purpose.

    2. Dolgi nods at the cleric and says, "Wise questions, lass." He looks to the others, "Follow the tracks, heavy loads as those, horses can't run for long. But we have the wagon, so not sure we can catch them."

      ((Can I tell how long ago they passed? D20 roll 13 +wisdom +3 = 16 I'd think that be enough, as telling an estimate of time would be somewhat easy for a tracker, is the grass in the hoofprints dried or still green, etc))

    3. "If the horses are carrying heavy loads it will slow them down. I think we can investigate the fire and still follow them if we move quickly. My mule will ride double," Rayna says avoiding eye contact with the halforc.

  11. Between 3 and 6 hours, it being 11 AM.

  12. "Alis, do you remember any buildings in this area from your youth in the Bremel area?"

    1. (Before you guys came along, Alis had been exactly a mile out of town. However, he and Hamish both concur that there are many family farms this far outside of town. Often on land granted by minor nobles to knights and heroes.)

    2. Draymun's brow furrows and he recalls the information that Alis and Hamish verify.

      "If this is the home of a knight or hero, I wonder what manner of foe has caused so much trouble? Perhaps our Bandit Queen is expanding?"

      He ponders for a moment before suggesting, "Let us head toward the smoke and see if we can't find any survivors. Information could be had, and who knows? Maybe even a favor or two won. I could always use a free pint!"

      He grins and begins to steer Tom back in the direction of the smoke.

  13. Thorvald nods his agreement withDraymun, maintaining his uneasy silence.

  14. Dolgi gets a couple of sticks out of the wagon, and ties some old cloth to each. He then marks the trail on either side with the sticks. "So we don't lose the trail, if something were to happen.

    He then begins leading the group toward the smoke. As he passes the wagon, he tells Alis, "Lad, I'll stop the wagon short of the structure ahead, I want the ground untrampled as I puzzle out the various tracks, perhaps I can find the others who left there." With that he trots his mule forward to scout out the path.

  15. Kring fiddles impatiently with a leather strap that hangs lose on his mask, thinking to himself that rangers really should consider brute force and strength in numbers over stealth and "scouting" some times. Kring remembers others who came to less than fortunate ends in similar circumstances.

  16. Dolgi, as you crest the rise, you see the source of the smoke:

    A small manor sits in the middle of the valley and is surrounded by a farm and a few huts. One of the huts is on fire, as is a grain silo and a hay barn. You are perhaps 250 feet away and you can see figures running around trying to put out what's left of the flames.

    1. Dolgi signals the wagon to come up slowly, also signalling the outriders to move up to him. As they begin their climb, Dolgi scans the area closely trying to see if anything looks out of place. ((Perception check 19 + (wisdom?) +3 =22))

      As the outriders arrive, Dolgi explains what he's seen, and his plan to approach without causing an aggressive response from the people at the manor, but also mark trails so we can find them when we are ready to leave.

    2. Rayna looks over the scene in front of her. "Let's see what we can learn about these folks before we move forward." (Knowledge check, local d20=11 + (wisdom modifier?) 4= 15 I want to know about the people, their leadership, laws and structure, who's in charge, that sort of thing...)

    3. Dolgi: Several things are out of place. Buildings are on fire. There are some bodies lying around. Old women are carrying buckets of water to try to save their homes and livelihood.

      I'm not sure what else you're looking for. If you could let me know specifically, I might be able to give you more information.

      Rayna: Based purely on previous experience, and not on this particular instance, you can infer that there is probably a Lord who owns this land. He most likely lives in the manor with his extended family. The huts belong to peasants or serfs who work the land. As far as laws, you can assume they live at least nominally under the law of the Kingdom of Ashmont.

    4. Basically trying to make sure we aren't riding into an ambush. Also seeing if I can see other tracks or possible places the group might have split.

    5. From your current vantage point, you can pretty much see what I've described. I'm sure if you got closer you could see the tracks better.

      As far as seeing a possible ambush, what would you look for to betray an ambush?

    6. movement in trees, odd behavior from a peasant (avoiding an area) glint of sun off metal.

  17. Kring rides alongside Dolgi, "lets make haste, they could use our help. Despite what you may think, I do lend a hand when need be."

    1. (awwww, you old softie) Rayna looks at the half orc in surprise.

  18. Shade reaches into a hidden pocket in his robes and pulls forth a scroll neatly rolled into a small cylindrical form. Reciting the ancient words of power softly to himself he summons a form out of the air. It's wispy tendrils of insubstantial smoke swirl as it paws at the ground and throws its head back as if to neigh. Tossing himself up into the back of the smoky Equine creature Shade glances back at the group from behind his thick cowl, "Fly you fools!" With that he lets out a "YA!" and kicks the air where the beasts ribs would be. Responding as if it had felt the kick as surely as if it had been a real horse, the conjured mount leaps forward charging down the hill, throwing out clumps of earth behind it. Shade yells at the top of his lungs until his voice is hoarse from the effort, "What can I do to help! Are there any injured!" His raven, Harken, flying above him feels the mental compulsion to search for survivors (or maybe its Shades imagination) and he wheels in the air doing a wide circuit of the area.

    1. Dolgi glares at Shade's back, "Didn' the lad listen? I don't want tracks messing up my trackin'" Dolgi mutters a few Dwarven curses.

    2. Seeing a dark cloaked figure on some smoky hell steed, the peasants scurrying around do what any reasonable, superstitious, uneducated person would do: they flee in a blind panic and begin screaming about the apocalypse.

      You see a dozen or more people as you do your flyover and there are several bodies strewn about. Some were being tended to and some left as they lay.

      There is a woman wearing the full skirts that you equate with the aristocracy who seems to be directing traffic. As you fly closer, two young men, probably only teenagers, also wearing fine clothes step to each side of her and brandish rapiers.

    3. Rayna rides forward until she's close enough to be heard. "Don't let our impetuous friend frighten you, sister. We saw the smoke of your fire and have come to help. I am a healer. Are there any wounded that I can see to? Can we help you put out the fires that are burning your stores?" Rayna waits for an answer before moving forward.
      (realized that and deleted my comment and then saw yours)

    4. Thorvald rides into the village and without waiting for anyone to ask for his help, he leaps off his horse and scoops up two empty buckets. Filling them at the well, he begins to aid the villagers in quenching the flames.

    5. Golgi directs the wagon to go to the manor and help the others. "That means you too, Rehash!" He yells, as he trots off to the left flank, searching for tracks.

  19. Shade dismounts and drops his Quarterstaff as a sign of peaceful intention, snapping his fingers to cause the mount to disappear. Turning to the two young lads and the older aristocrat Shade inclines his head in a respectful gesture. "It would appear that this estate has seen better and safer days, but fear not. My friends and I are of the mercenary company, Vengeance Falls, and we are seeking a Bandit by the name of Banshee. We have prowled these lands for many days and saw the smoke... We thought to assist you. If we may?" Not waiting for an answer, he turns on his heel and raises his hands, casting a quiet and quick incantation. Suddenly a ray of frost springs forth and begins to blast at the base of a nearby fire.

  20. Lorka, in a terse voice she says "over by the manor there are several men being tended, see to them if you want to help." You'll find three teenagers and and old man lying on blankets on the ground. One of the teenagers seems to have a broken arm, one of the teenagers is bleeding profusely from a slash across his stomach, the third is passed out and you can't tell from what. The old man is sitting up and breathing hard.

    Thorvald, the peasants are haggard and near exhaustion and seem grateful that you're stepping in. The flames are spreading and you think it'll take a half an hour or so to get them put out if you soak everything around first and then work on the flames.

    Shade's ray of frost sputters at the base of the flames but you think if you used it to put out small flames licking the roofs of the huts, it would be effective.

    Dolgi must spend some time looking at tracks, after you return, I'll let you know what you find out.

    Hamish and Alis join Thorvald in the bucket brigade. Rethas wanders over to some burnt rubble and gingerly picks up a single stick and holds it in front of himself, walks to a nearby wood pile and places it on the top, then brushes his hands off and returns to the wagon.

    1. Dolgi dismounts and makes a complete circuit of the camp slowly. Each time he comes to a set of tracks, he places a twig with a piece of cloth attached in the ground next to it. As an accomplished tracker, Dolgi begins to notice the different tracks and catalog them in his mind.

  21. Shade notices that the fire is too intense at its base and shifts to sweeping rays across the rooftops trying to limit the spread by freezing the straw, which he hopes will cause a steady stream of water as the flames approach to combat their overtaking the roof, and allow the fire brigade to do its work.

  22. (I'm assuming that the group, or the members who have posted, are committed to helping at this point; Dolgi is tracking, Rayna is aiding the wounded, Thorvald and Shade are helping put out the fire. So I'm going to give Draymun and Kring the evening to check in with their actions and then move forward and post the results tomorrow.)

    1. ((I want the rest of The group to understand that Dolgi is not some heartless Dwarf. He sees his job is to guide the group and protect its flank, plus he can get his bearings while. It is still light, so we can move out first thing in the morning. ))

  23. Rayna rides to the group by the manor and dismounts. She first moves to the unconscious youth. Leaning over him she places her hand on his chest and speaks her words of healing. (Casting rebuke death d4=2+1=3) Next she positions herself in the middle of the injured group and stretching out her hands heals everyone in the area surrounding her. (Casting channel positive energy 1d6=1 (gah!) and then again 1d6=5 (much better!)) She pauses and looks around her to determine the progress of her healing.

    1. The unconscious man stirs and the wounds on the teenager seem to close up some. They all look stable and although it'll take a while, they'll heal fully.

      The old man takes you by the hand and thanks you before you move off to help with the bucket brigade.

  24. In between castings Shade catches the eye of Harken and beckons for him to come down. Landing lightly on Shade's shoulder the bird looks back at him quizzically. "Harken, I need for you to fly back to where we saw the tracks and head in the direction they were headed. Look for signs of campfires, large groups on horseback or other signs of the group that wrought so much pain here. Stay high in the air and avoid drawing attention to yourself, if you sense trouble, flee. If you do happen to see something, fly back here that you can lead us to it. Fly now, and fly fast." Shade watches as the bird takes to wing and sets out. Either Harken will find them or Dolgi will... But Vengeance will fall.

    1. The bird is gone for perhaps 15 minutes but returns. He probably isn't a great tracker, but you sense he didn't see anyone as far as he flew.

  25. Draymun rides up alongside the wagon, continuing his circle-patrol pattern to ensure no one approaches from the blindside. Once Alis and Hamish begin to help with the flames and Rethas continues being Rethas, Draymun hops off of Tom and begins to jog toward the chaos.

    With a quick pat before he leaves, he speaks to his bear, "Tom, guard the wagon. I'll be back soon." As he jogs past Rethas, he casually snarks, "Glad someone volunteered to stand lookout at the wagon! Good on ya, Rethas!"

    As he approaches the mess of people, he volunteers his services as a healer, offering Stabilize ability [Orison] and Cure Light Wounds to anyone that seems critical. He has a few spare Goodberries that can be passed around for emergency recovery and for food.

    [If we end up resting the night and the fire isn't put out, I can reallocate my spells and change my Orisons to Create Water and Mending, allowing us to easily have unlimited fire-fighting resources as well as the ability to quickly prevent structures from collapsing on themselves... I think.]

    1. It's still around noon.

      There doesn't seem to be an immediate threat from the flank.

      Rethas snorts and draws a book from his pack and begins reading.

  26. After insuring that the injured are recovering Rayna moves to help with the bucket brigade.

  27. What Dolgi finds out:

    The attack most likely came from the South. There were as many as 15 or 20 riders and they fanned out immediately upon entering the settlement. They spent no more than 20 minutes in the area. You can see where several pitched battles were fought and the dead number in the dozens. There are two corpses that seem to be different from the peasants and nobles from the area. The riders all left in different directions.

  28. The woman approaches you as you are recovering from the frantic work of putting out fires. Four armed young men stand around her. She says "We thank you for your help, now tell me: who are you and where do you come from?"

    1. "We are a guild out of the capital," Thor answered, wiping the sweat and soot from his brow. "We're travelling this way looking for the Bandit Queen, Mynx the Banshee. If you know where we might find her, it would be greatly appreciated."

    2. "Is this Mynx a wild looking woman with brilliant red hair who wades into battle screaming and wailing like a...well like a banshee?"

  29. In between blasting freezing rays Shade turns to the Lady of the Manor. "As I have said, we are companions of the company 'Vengeance Falls'. We set out in search of a marauding group of bandits known to operate in this region. My name is Shade, and I pray that you instead deploy these men in setting up a cordon to block off any further incursions, they will do you little good if your lands are burned to cinders and your peasants dead. At least they could act as scouts to warn of approaches, that fires smoke was able to be seen for miles and will no doubt provoke a response from other parties soon enough.

    But enough assessments of your obviously difficult situation, and unsolicited advice... As I have stated we seek the bandit calling herself Mynx and any information you may have could prove valuable, as this does seem to be her doing.

    To put your mind at ease I shall introduce my stalwart companions. Thorvald is the man who rushed to aid in your bucket brigade. He is a stout barbarian from a far off land. Rayna is the cleric tending to your people's wounds... She is new to our company but I can tell she is as pure of heart as she is strong of limb. The hulking figure who wears that frightful mask and the skins is Kring.... Our public relations man.... Draymun is the dwarf who rides the fearsome bear... He has single handedly cured an entire land of blight with but a touch. Dolgi, well he is a tracker who cleanses the lands of monsters to keep the fair folk safe and asks little in return. Alis our driver, and Hanish, over yonder, are two capable young men who have always stood by us. Rethas, well he is better with a scrap of parchment and an old rune then he will ever be with people, but he does have our best interests at heart. We stand for those who cannot... And if you would have us," Shade turns back to her scrapping a low bow and reaching out, grasping her hand and kissing it gently, "we would be pleased to avenge your losses here today."

  30. Rayna first draws a bucket of water for her mule to drink then uses another to wash her face and hands of the soot and grime listening all the while to the recount of the attack.

    1. (should there be a comma in there somewhere?)

  31. "We can see that you have fought a hard fight. Did you slay any of the attackers? Dolgi will certainly want to examine their bodies to see what he can learn. Meanwhile I have some questions about the attack. They sound like the ones we seek and we need to learn as much as we can about these bandits if we are to stop them." (I have several questions. In order to expedite the conversation can we assume questions are asked and answered conversation style? Here are the questions.)
    "What time of day did the attack occur?"
    "Did they seem to strike in a planned or ordered fashion?" "Could you discern an obvious leader?
    "Did you recognize any of the attackers?" "Looking back over the past few days or weeks, do you think you've been watched?" "Have any strangers passed through the area in the last few days or weeks?"
    "What did they take?"

    1. Seeing the conversation happen between Thorvald and who is obviously the lady of the manor, Dolgi trots over to hear.

      Nodding at Lorka's questions, Dolgi listens intently to the answers, hoping to glean some nugget that might lead him on the right trail.

      ((If the following questions aren't answered in the normal course of the conversation with the lady, Dolgi will ask the following))

      "Thorvald, the redhaired wild woman, that is Minx, yes? (assuming yes) Turning to the lady, "M'lady, my condolences for your losses here, but I'd like you to think, or any of your people. Did they see the wild woman off alone at any time, or see where she might have rode? If I can get a good look at the tracks I can track that horse from here to anywhere, I'd bet my hammer on it!"

      "Lastly, do you have a place to lay the fallen to rest? We must honor the dead, even though we must hurry, there is time." With that, the young dwarf nods solemnly.

    2. Rayna:

      I was inside when much of the fighting occurred. My men tell me we injured many, that is all I know right now.

      This morning, as the sun rose.

      They were organized and took orders from lieutenants who took orders from the red haired woman.

      I didn't, but again I wasn't a witness to all the fighting. However, we know our people well and wouldn't abide by a stranger lurking about.

      She defers to answer your final question.


      In the heat of battle, I can't say where any one person went.

      We have a small cemetery that is, sadly, about to get much bigger.

      After answering all your questions, she seems to be finished talking and goes about the business of cleaning up and moving on.

  32. "Excuse me noble lady," Thor called out awkwardly, unsure of how to address someone of nobility. "I can understand your feelings toward the fiery haired woman. I too have been wronged by her and I will not rest until her head is set to spike upon the walls of Ashmont. If she took something you wish returned, you should inform us now, for once we lay her low, her possessions will be forfeit."

  33. Shade gathers his things and finds a nice spot to camp for the night while the others continue to assist the small estate. Calling Hamish and Alis to bring the wagon over. Starting a small fire Shade cracks open a bottle of Shadowbanish Wine that he had been saving and pours some for himself and Rethas.

  34. Totally exhausted from fighting fires and wielding a spade, Rayna unsaddles her mule, eats a few rations, rolls out her bedroll and is soon snoring softly.
