Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Church of Torag, Bremel

August 30, in the year 670 by Kingdom reckoning. Approximately 5:00 AM

Your merry band makes its way to the Church of Torag, singing and carrying on along the way. Khazad enters first to secure lodging for you and a kind bishop guides you to an empty room with a bare stone floor and says "it is plain, but I hope that it will bless you none the less."

You bed down for the night and the great silence of the place makes you pause to consider your path thus far. You each drift off, alone in your own thoughts...

You are woken up what seems like a few minutes later by two robed figures. You are stiff from the hard floor, a little hungover from the Stonestout and still quite tired but they insist. You gather your gear and are hurried through long corridors to the main chapel where you are seated in the back and left alone. You can see through the windows that it is an hour or more before dawn but Khaza explains, rather sheepishly, that you are all expected to take part in the morning observances and then cheerfully adds that breakfast follows.

The observances are as dull as you might expect and, as tired as you are, you have to fight sleep. Torag is a dwarven god after all, and thus enjoys long sermons and lots of tradition. Eventually the services end and you are brought to the dining hall and given a rough wooden bowl full of a grey, soupy gruel. All of the clerics and acolytes are cordial and mostly leave you to yourselves.

Just as the sky begins to lighten, signalling an imminent dawn, you are ushered into the archbishop's chambers.

The archbishop is an old man, easily 80 years old in a place that seldom sees humans live past 50. He appears in good health and is dressed simply. He speaks, "Khaza, my brother, I promised you an augury on the morn of your departure into the greater world. What question will you ask of our lord Torag?"


  1. "I would ask whether this quest to seek out the Banshee Queen Minx will fair well... I must admit that I have my misgivings about leaving this, my home... You have always been wise even beyond your venerable years, would you offer any advice that might assist us? Oh, and before I forget... I know that my absence will be felt... I have saved what little coin I could... I will admit that I gave a portion already to this stout fellow who has fallen on hard times but the remainder is for the church, to help feed and clothe those who may need it or to hire help to handle my tasks in my absence." Khazad empties 40 gold from his coin purse and places it in the offering dish.

  2. While you are speaking the archbishop lights a few sticks of incense on a small altar in an alcove to your right. He listens to you and nods his thanks when you give your offering then he bows his head.

    A minute passes before he stands up and turns to you. "Torag responds with Weal and Woe. This is a dangerous course of action but one with great reward." He steps forward and lays a hand on you, "on a personal note. I believe that you are ready to leave this place. We have taught you much but you are not one to be shackled to a place. Go with my blessing."

  3. "Excuse me cleric," Thorvald interrupted, leaning in to whisper, "but I have a mule kept at the stables. I would be more than willing to make him available to you for as long as you may require."

  4. The archbishop looks at the money you've just donated and then looks back at you with confusion.

  5. Tom heads to the inn to meet the new recruit. After meeting him, tom tries to explain what is going on while leading them to the church.

    1. Rethas is there, waiting for you outside the tavern. He looks like he hasn't slept at all and his eyes are bloodshot and surrounded by dark circles.

      He listens politely while you explain the plan and then follows dourly behind you to the church.

  6. My plan is two fold and slightly devious I am ashamed to admit. We will first need to purchase a wagon from in town, fill it with barrels and spread rumors about our cargo. If there are any spies for the Banshee Queen she will think we are laden with wealth, lightly guarded and headed north towards the grove. The second part of the plan has several members of the party hidden amidst the cargo, ready to spring forth when we are ambushed by Minx. Hiring a driver will ensure we have free hands during the fight."

  7. "A bold plan, Khazad," Thorvald commented, thinking of the best way to make it happen. "I suggest we head into town and purchase a heavy cart there. That way it will appear to be holding much more cargo."

    "Draymun, as you have to purchase supplies, perhaps we could give you the funds for the wagon and you could purchase it while in town." Thorvald removed 50 gold pieces from his pouch, handing them to Draymun saying, "It is for myself and Khazad, who so graciously offered it to me last night, for our share in the venture."

    "Khazad, you could wait for me at the tavern, and loudly interview me as a guard for the wagon, allowing any potential thieves to overhear the conversation. If Draymun brings the cart back to the church, we could load it here in secret and proceed out of town with no one suspecting our plan. What say you?"

  8. Draymun listens to the plan unfold in front of him, and nods his approval, stroking his beard thoughtfully.

    "Sounds like a fine plan to me! Especially the part where I get all of yer gold!" He grins playfully and extends his hands to the party. "Fork it over, lads! I got some, uh, acquisitioning to do..."

    **Heading into town**

    ((I'm going to assume that Rethas is with me, as that was suggested earlier.))

    Draymun examines the storefronts, tents, and miscellaneous stalls that line the main drag of the shopping district with determination. Lots of stuff to buy, and he'd rather it finished quickly!

    "Alright, Elf, time to get to work. Let's gather the wagon first, and then snag the rest of our supplies on the way back to the church."

    ((Do you want me to RP the whole purchasing thing out, or should we fast-forward this bit for ease and efficiency? I can simply post again with all of the new goodies we're picking up and the cost, and then be on our way.))

    1. The Purchase List:

      #Items for Rethas#
      - Bedroll
      - Tent
      - Wineskin, full
      - Scroll case
      - Vials (6)
      Total Cost: 18gp, 2sp

      #Items for Draymun#
      - Pick, Heavy
      - Scroll of Cure Light Wounds
      Total Cost: 33gp*

      #Items for Party#
      - Wagon, Heavy
      - Tarp
      - Barrels (2-4)
      Total Cost: 100gp

      Total Shopping Cost: 151gp*

      *Cost estimate for Scroll of Cure Light Wounds is 25gp. If this is in error, please let me know!

      ((This is without any food purchased. We have a fair bit of rations, and I have changed my spells to include Goodberry, which I plan on casting at the start of every day to provide us with additional eating options. Thoughts?))

  9. Khazad arrives at the inn, sits down and orders a drink.

    1. A short while later, Thorvald strides confidently into the bar, wearing his armor and carrying his weapons slung. "Ah, cleric," Thorvald calls out loudly across the tavern, "I understand that you're looking to hire a guard to protect a caravan. May I join you and inquire as to the job opportunity?"

    2. Thorvald looks around the inn to get an idea of who else is seated there.

      ((Thought it might do us good to see how many people are there and who/what they look like))

    3. There are several people who seem to be listening in on your conversation. No way, of course, to tell if any of them are bandits or just bored citizens.

  10. The job is simple enough... The church coffers are full and it's past time they are sent to be guarded in Ashmont to the north. Since the recent caravan attacks have become so prevalent the Church has decided a large caravan will draw too much attention.. Instead we are to hide the wealth among non-descript barrels and travel with but a single guard, a driver and one wagon. Hopefully the movement of such wealth will go undetected and we can sneak to Ashmont along the north road bypassing the bandits to the south. It also helps that another caravan is setting out from the east with a large amount of wagons and guards, seemingly protecting alot more. But what can you tell me of your experience?

    1. "Well, I have never successfully guarded a caravan exactly, if that's what you mean," Thorvald stated, trying to find the best way to word his experience and make it sound reassuring. "I was part of a caravan once, and even though all of the cargo was stolen, no one important was killed."

      "I also have a lot of experience with an axe," he boasted proudly, as only someone from a small village could boast about mundane accomplishments. "I have cut down countless trees in a forest near my home, and it it was remarked that it was a good thing I was strong!" Thorvald paused and considered everything said before asking a question.

      "If you agree, I should gather my things and then I can meet you to make our preparations."

  11. Head to the Church so we can load the wealth into theIr barrels then we shall head out shortly thereafter. I hope you know how to ride, you will be provided with a pony and expected to ride alongside the caravan. Also you will be expected to take the first shift every evening and dig the latrine trenches.

    1. "I think we can come to an agreement," Thorvald said, standing. "I shall meet you at Church shortly." Thorvald turns and leaves the inn, making his way to the stables. After collecting his Mule, Hildabrun, he returns to the church.
