The party finishes rolling the bodies of the goblins and collects and divides the loot. The casters prepare their spells while the rest of the group cooks a small breakfast and breaks camp. You know the sun still rises early this time of year but its nearly another hour before the light filters through the deep forest enough to be able to track effectively.
You know the goblins came from the Northeast but beyond that you'll have to rely on the skills of your party. You tighten your packs and prepare for a bushwhack.
(I'll need a d20+level+Wisdom from the lead tracker and if someone wants to assist I'll need the same from them. Only one assist please.)
Tom nods at the questions asked and begins to search around.
ReplyDelete((20+2+2=24)) ((of course I roll on a skill check that can be aided...))
Tom pokes around in the brush for a bit and then picks up the trail. The path the goblins followed isn't much more than a game trail and at times the path disappears entirely. The goblins made their way through the forest like rats, scurrying and bouncing around, seldom in a straight line. In comparison, you notice the hobgoblins fought their way through the brush, often when even a short detour would have been easier. You follow the trail in a generally northern direction for 3 miles and then the track veers west. In another two hours, about 6 miles down the trail, there is a small clearing and, as it's getting closer to noon, you stop for a short rest.
ReplyDeleteIf everyone could make perception checks please.
As a result of the natural 20, in addition to tracking the goblins easily:
1. Tom, you recognize and distinguish the tracks of the goblin shaman and you are confident that if you ran across his tracks again, you'd be able to recognize them.
2. The party, despite having horses, travels 25% faster in the woods today.
3. You find a day's worth of rations for everyone, consisting of berries, mushrooms and several hares.
Draymun rolls a 16+4=20.
DeleteThorvald rolls 17+1=18
Delete((Also, I forgot to post this on the other post when Rayla asked, but Thor is sitting at 37/44 hp right now, not bad considering.))
Delete((perception is wisdom right?))
((Shade rolls 13 + 2 (Familiar) + 1 (Dex) ))
ReplyDelete((13+2+1=16)) ((Roll + Familiar Bonus + Wis)) (Thanks for the heads up, been too long))
Delete(Rayla rolls 19 +4 = 23)
ReplyDelete((Your call on this, Sam, but I would have healed him up before resting and preparing spells, right?))
DeleteDismounting from the mule, Rayla loosen the cinch of the saddle and reaches into her bags to retrieve a few pieces of jerky. As she eats she strolls around the clearing to stretch her stiff muscles and then lies back to catch a quick nap before the group moves on in pursuit of the shaman. She gazes idly up at the sky and watches as a buzzard circles lazily overhead in search of food. Circling, circling, circling. As she’s about to drift off to sleep her eyes pop open, “Don’t look up, but the shaman is still watching us. There is a buzzard circling overhead. What should we do now?”
ReplyDelete"Most likely this creature seeks our demise, I would like to forestall those efforts. Gentlemen, lady, shall we dismount and hobble these horses? It will allow us to leave this trail and move deeper into the brush, we know now the general direction the creatures were headed, we can stay near the path without following it so closely. If they have prepared any traps, pits or ambushes they will be along that pathway. The deeper foliage will help lose our shaman friend also. And if he doesn't get discouraged by that, well I'm sure me and Drayman can manage to summon up some flying friends to introduce him to 'falling vengeance.'
Delete"Can we move the horses under cover of the trees and hide our intent from the shaman? He may be in contact with his goblin friends."
Delete"I think that is a great idea"
DeleteShade dismounts and guides his mount deeper into the brush, using the foliage above as a form of cover from the circling Shaman and hobbles the mount as he has seen Tom do so many times. Taking from his saddlebags his rope, several oil flasks and another five days of rations Shade turns to Thorvald and asks if he has room in his sack for those items.
DeleteRayla joins the others in thse dense woods, dismounts, hobbles the mule and shoulders her pack.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWith Tom leading the way the party makes their way on foot in search of the goblins.
ReplyDeleteThe rest of the day passes pleasantly enough. The party makes good time and besides the wandering nature of the goblins' trail, you are making a generally West track. You don't see any other evidence of goblins or the buzzard but the forest is pretty dense.
ReplyDeleteYou have a choice of three campsites: near a small stream, near the trail in a copse of trees or on the top of a hill where you can see for a ways.
Taking forth a pipe from his billowing sleeves, Shade listens to Tom discuss his scouting of the area. Lighting his pipe with the snap of his fingers and blowing forth a great scented cloud Shade harrumps loudly to draw everyone's attention. "It seems to me we have a choice before us. I believe it best that we avoid camping too near deep brush where silent foes can more easily find us. The hilltop would allow great vision but also great exposure. The stream, while covering sounds of approaching enemies at least forces them into the less dense areas to be spotted and offers partial cover from the sky for us. Plus the noise of the stream hampers them hearing us as well." He passes his pipe in the other group members direction, that they may partake and share in the discussion.
ReplyDelete"I agree with Shade," Thor gave voice to his thoughts, waving away the putrid stench of smoke the wizard seemed to enjoy so much. "We should make camp away from prying eyes but also away from the densest parts of the forest, lest the hunters become the hunted."
ReplyDeleteShade turns to the others, "what say you all?"
ReplyDelete"Sounds like a good plan. As much as I would like to take those little buggers for granted, en masse, they can be more than a handful. Mind, Shade, the smoke from your pipe will carry quite far, might want to put it out prior to finding our camp. I'd suggest we pair one who can see in the dark with one who can't for the watches, if we have enough." Tom says after looking around.
ReplyDelete"To the stream's edge then."
ReplyDelete"As always your are a very perceptive and intelligent fellow and I would do well to follow your lead!" Shade says as he puts out the pipe and waves his arms in the air to fan out the smoke on the breeze. "I shall take first watch then if there is one in our company who can help me see into the murk." Shade takes forth his spellbook and attempts to read and walk, frantically flipping through his pages to find the spell he will study when they do eventually stop. After tripping twice, Shade finds the one he wants.
ReplyDeleteThe party beds down for the night and it's easy to fall asleep quickly listening to the sounds of the water running in the brook. Each of the party takes their shifts in turn and it is quiet. Very shortly after midnight, a fog begins to descend and a chill settles in. The world takes on an eerie feel as the distance you can see shortens. You are, however, unmolested and eventually it begins to lighten up. The sun is not yet visible but you're sure it must be morning as everyone rouses and you make a bit of a fire with whatever small, dry sticks you can find. Draymun trundles down to the shore to get some water and perhaps wash his face and sees, in the muddy bank, several large, flat footprints.
ReplyDeleteShade finishes studying his spell book and comes forth refreshed and hungry. Heading over to see what Ray might have prepared he notices Dray down by the waters edge staring at some prints. Thats when he notices the pall hanging in the air. Shade flips through his spell book and seeks out some sort of arcane answer for this mysterious darkness that has fallen. The irony of their adventuring bands moniker bringing a slight chuckle to his lips he starts passing through arcane gestures and speech, concentrating on detecting the source of the magic.
ReplyDelete((Casts detect magic and begins sweeps around the area to detect any abnormalities))