Monday, February 9, 2015

Continuing the Goblin Fight

What has occurred

During the second watch, Twiggy and Thor heard a rustling. Thor awakens the sleeping members of the party and everyone prepares for combat. Twiggy climbs a tree and casts Grease as Shade's improvised alarm system goes off and is silenced. Shade confuses the goblins by speaking in their tongue and the goblins to the north begin to fight among themselves. Low, guttural voices are heard among the higher goblin voices you're familiar with. Rayla calls a fog into the clearing and hides behind the tree Twiggy is in. Goblins to the northeast begin to fire at the party. Twiggy senses something amiss and climbs down from the tree an instant before it is struck by magical lightning. The goblins to the north continue to fight while the goblins to the northeast fire more arrows, striking the party. Shade moves toward the northeast and lights a lantern, threatening the goblins. Draymun and Kumo move silently through a copse of trees and Draymun calls riding dogs near the goblins. The dogs find and attack several goblins and the goblins return the attack. The goblins to the north have regained control and begin firing arrows at the party. Shade lets loose a color spray into the trees, two goblins and a dog are affected. Lightning strikes shade. Thor, Tom and Twiggy move to the northeast to bolster Shade. Draymun casts entangle and his dogs strike another blow.


You smell the stench of worn leathers and fresh blood.

You hear goblins moaning in pain and a dog whining.

Your skin crawls at the slithering voice of the mysterious caster.

Your hair stands up on end.

The next round

Initiative for the round: Goblins 17 vs. Shade 2

Lightning cracks again and Shade is struck with another blinding bolt for 10 points of damage (Reflex save 7+1=8 vs. DC 16, 3d6 for 5+4+1 = 10 damage). The sonic boom rattles the bones of the party members standing around him but they are uninjured. A riding dog yelps in pain from the forest. Those who speak goblin hear curses and goblins trying in vain to crash through the thick, tangling growth of Draymun's spell. The evil laughter continues.

4 arrows fly out of the woods to the north (around 25.06 and 26.02) but the fog, dark and distance do their job and only one arrow hits Thor dealing 3 points of damage (attack roll 20, critical not confirmed). Behind the arrows, however comes a more distressing sight. First you hear a roar and then out of the fog charge three stout, grey-skinned creatures. Two wield battle axes and one a shield and longsword. They are all wearing studded leather armor.

Two attack Thor, the one carrying a shield (stopping at 29.09) swings his longsword and hits Thorvald for 8 points of damage (19 + 2 charge + 4 = 25, critical not confirmed) and the one carrying a greataxe deals 9 points of damage (14 + 2 charge + 4 = 20.) They are both -2 AC until their next turn.

The third creature, wielding a battleaxe runs past Kumo who is hidden in the brush and Kumo swipes at him as he passes, dealing 2 points of damage. The creature is startled and swings his axe wide at Twiggy and hits his companion standing in 29.09 dealing 3 points of damage.

The three new creatures, standing slightly shorter than a man but rippling with muscle and glaring at the party with beady black eyes, are in hexes 29.09, 29.09 and 30.10. The one in 29.09 carries a shield, the other two two-handed axes.

(Draymun and Rayla, please check the duration of Entangle, the Riding Dogs and Fog, respectively, and let me know when they're done. Twiggy's grease spell is still active and is 26.10 and 26.11 based on it being cast "between the camp and the rustling noise.")


  1. Tom fires an arrow at the nearest grey creature ((Guy at 30.10)) And then another arrow soon after.
    ((d20+5+1, each attack, Damage is d8+1--please drop a +2 Comp bow loot gods...))

    ((Attack: 14+5+1=20, Damage: 6+1=7))
    ((Attack: 15+5+1=21, Damage: 5+1=6)) ((If first arrow drops creature, second arrow goes guy at 29.09))

  2. Shade takes in the entire scene in a glance, mentally calculating the many scenarios that can play out in his mind and he makes a decision. "Get to the safety of the treeline, we can't fight exposed like this, make that witch and her minions come for us!" With that Shade presses the potion of cure moderate wounds into Thor's backpack as he retreats to the trees behind Tom.

    1. Shade targets the heartiest one of the three still standing and fires his grease spell with the target being the creatures weapon. (Axe or the sword from the shield guy, whichever has not been the target of Thor's attacks and most likely not of Tom's arrows or Kumo's AoO, or the lesser of the three) Harken soars down from behind the weakest of the three and attacks. (Roll 15 don't think there are modifiers, Dmg, 1d4-1=3-1=2.)

  3. Thor snarled as he suffered attack from two sides and his attempted parries missed both strikes. As a bolt of lightning struck nearby, Thor's face was illuminated if only for a moment, and it showed the look of a man possessed, mad with rage. As darkness swelled around him once more, Thor lashed back at his foes.

    ((Power Attack: -1 attack roll, + 3 damage rolls
    ((Reckless Abandon: -1 AC, + 1 attack rolls
    ((Cleave: -2 AC, 2 attack rolls if 1st is successful
    ((Attack Roll 1: 1d20 + 7(hit) + 1(mgc wep) + 1(Reckless Abandon)
    ((Dmg Roll 1: 2d6 + [6*1.5](str) + 1(mgc wep) + 3(Power Attack)

    ((First Target (30.10)
    ((Atk = 12 + 7 + 1 + 1 = 21
    ((Dmg = 5 + 4 + 9 + 1 + 3 = 22

    ((Second Target (29.09)
    ((Atk = 15 + 7 + 1 + 1 = 24
    ((Dmg = 5 + 3 + 9 + 1 + 3 = 21

    ((Penalty: -2 AC for 1 round due to reckless abandon & cleave
    ((Today's Rage Rounds Used: 3 of 18

    Following his savage strike, Thor turned and followed Shade to the tree line (moving to 35.10).

  4. Seeing the rest of her party move into the edge of the woods, Rayla hot foots it out of the clearing to stop behind the towering Thor. (35.11)

  5. Draymun bursts from the treeline and swings around the newest combatants, moving into a flanking position with Thorvald. En route, he roars mightily to signal Kumo to attack the closest target he can find.

    With a grunt and a whirl of hair, fur, and hammer he swings at the back of the creature's skull while maintaining a grip on his shield for protection.

    ((Move action: Draymun moves to 29.08, Kumo does not move

    ((Draymun - Normal Attack vs 29.08
    ((Attack Roll: 1d20 + 5(hit) + 2(flank)
    ((Damage Roll: 1d8 + 3(Str)

    ((Attack Results: 17 + 5 + 2 = 24
    ((Damge Results: 8 + 3 = 11 Damage

    ((Kumo - Full Attack vs 29.09
    ((Attack Roll (Bite): 1d20 + 6(hit) + 2(flank)
    ((Damage Roll (Bite): 1d4 + 3(Str)
    ((Attack Roll (Claw 1): 1d20 + 6(hit + 2(flank)
    ((Damage Roll (Claw 1): 1d3 + 3(Str)
    ((Attack Roll (Claw 2): 1d20 + 6(hit + 2(flank)
    ((Damage Roll (Claw 2): 1d3 + 3(Str)

    ((Attack Results (Bite): 13 + 6 + 2 = 21
    ((Damage Results (Bite): 1 + 3 = 4 Damage
    ((Attack Results (Claw 1): 13 + 6 + 2 = 21
    ((Damage Results (Claw 1): 3 + 3 = 6 Damage
    ((Attack Results (Claw 2): 18 + 6 + 2 = 26
    ((Damage Results (Claw 2): 1 + 3 = 4 Damage

    ((Draymun: 20 AC, 23/23 HP
    ((Kumo: 20 AC, 19/19 HP

    (( I don't recall either of us taking damage this fight, so those should be our totals, unless I forgot something! ))

  6. The hobgoblins fall one at a time to the onslaught of the party. One drops his weapon and is unable to parry Thor's might blows as Kumo and Draymun fell another. The third, dazed by Twiggy's spell takes two arrows in quick succession from Tom and he falls a moment later.

    For a moment the battle field is silent as the party looks around at the scene, checks themselves for wounds and gulps deep breaths of air from the effort of combat.

    The goblins are silent for the moment, perhaps awed by the ferocity of the party, and you may now act.

    (Initiative 10 vs. goblins 1)

  7. Rayla smiles. Her group is nearby and she know what she must do to help those she cares about. She steps back, straightens her shoulders, grasps the mace firmly and taps the ground under her feet. Waves of healing flow out from the staff. Birds chirp in surprise. The squashed cockroach under Shade’s feet scuttles away. (Channel positive energy for 2d6= 6+3=9)

  8. Shade feels the waves of energy wash over him and finds renewed vigor and strength. Not for the first time on this day he is thankful for the friends he has found and the powers they bring with them. He pulls forth a slender oaken wand from the sleeve of his tattered robe and incants the words of power that will awaken its dormant energies... "Kuhn abid mogra!" With that a beam of energy invisibly flies towards the back of the hulking barbarian, immediately the cords of muscles in his back begin to pop and his bones crack with the power imbued into them.

    1. Shade lets Harken take wing knowing that his superior eye sight and faster movement will allow him to find anything moving in the underbrush, and trusting that a caw will signal the direction of their foes.

  9. Feeling refreshed, Thor watches as those nearest to him begin to shrink, and he was reminded of the other times when his enemies shrank before him.

    Thor charged off towards the goblins with nothing but rage and vengeance in his mind.

    ((Thor moves to 32.08

    1. You see no goblins but you see the next step you take will be into the area of Draymun's Entangle spell.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thor continues into the entangled area searching for goblins.

      ((Reflex save: 1d20 + Dex + Save Bns
      (( = 15 + 1 + 1
      (( = 17

      ((Amended the post as I used the wrong Dex modifier and calculated the enlarge penalty incorrectly. My new Reflex save should be correct now

    4. You encounter no goblins with your first step into the woods.

    5. Thor continues advancing, searching for something to strike.

      ((32.07 first, if nothing, continue on to 31.06))

    6. There's a goblin in 31.06 holding a dagger in one hand and a bow in his other.

    7. Thor swats viciously with his sword at the goblin before him.

      ((Enlarge: +2 STR, -2 DEX, -1 Atk Roll, -1 AC
      ((Power Attack: -1 atk, + 3 damage rolls
      ((Reckless Abandon: -1 AC, + 1 atk

      ((Atk: 1d20 + 8(LHit) + 1(Mgc) + 1(Rck Abd) - 1(Pwr Atk) - 1 (NLrg)
      ((Dmg: 3d6(NLrg) + [6*1.5](LStr) + 1(Mgc) + 3(Pwr Atk)

      ((Target (31.06)
      ((Atk = 11 + 8 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 1 = 19
      ((Dmg = 5 + 5 + 4 + 9 + 1 + 3 = 27

      ((AC: 13 AC, 32/50 HP, 4/18 rage used

  10. Draymun turns as he fells the hobgoblin with a mighty 'THUNK!' and hollers over his shoulder as he rushes the treeline,

    "Press the advantage, leave none of these vermin to corrupt this forest!"

    Beating his hammer against his shield in a war chant, he and Kumo attempt to find new targets.

    ((Move action:
    ((Draymun to 26.07
    ((Kumo to 27.06

    (( If there are no targets seen to hit, each will step into the treeline attempting to find the goblins. I'll post attacks if they find something. ))

    ((Draymun 20 AC, 23/23 HP
    ((Kumo 20 AC, 19/19 HP

    1. ((Addendum to last posting:

      ((Move Action:
      ((Draymun to 27.05
      ((Kumo to 25.06

      ((Attack Action:
      ((Draymun and Kumo flank-attack the Goblin in 26.06

      ((Draymun - Normal Attack vs 26.06
      ((Attack Roll: 1d20 + 5(hit) + 2(flank)
      ((Damage Roll: 1d8 + 3(Str)
      ((>>>Attack Results: 14 + 5 + 2 = 21<<<
      ((>>>Damge Results: 3 + 3 = 6 Damage<<<

      ((Kumo - Normal Attack vs 29.09
      ((Attack Roll (Bite): 1d20 + 6(hit) + 2(flank)
      ((Damage Roll (Bite): 1d4 + 3(Str)
      ((>>>Attack Results (Bite): 4 + 6 + 2 = 12<<<
      ((>>>Damage Results (Bite): 2 + 3 = 5 Damage<<<

      ((Draymun 20 AC, 23/23 HP
      ((Kumo 20 AC, 19/19 HP

    2. Whoops. Copypasta'd from the last post and forgot to change Kumo's target hex. He's attacking the same target as Dray, the Goblin in 26.06.

    3. The goblin shrieks and gibbers and then slumps lifelessly to the ground.

  11. Tom moves into the small clump of trees to protect himself from the arrows that have come at him. ((Move to 30.11, hopefully that gives me some cover)) Ready action to shoot arrow at any appearing foe.

    ((Attack: 5+7=12)) ((damage: 3+1))

  12. Thorvald Initiative 5+2=7 vs. Goblins 18+4 = 22

    3 goblins collapse on Draymun and Kumo. One hits Draymun for 4 points of damage and one hits Kumo for 2 points of damage. Draymun can see no other threats in range of his darkvision in this part of the woods.

    Meanwhile, two goblins fire arrows from the darkness at Thorvald and Twiggy and one other goblin drops his bow to swing a short sword at Thorvald. Both arrows miss but since Thorvald is such a large target, the short sword connects dealing 4 points of damage. You can now see the goblins arrayed in a circle around you and Thorvald with his great size can attack all but one of them.

    Twiggy sees the outline of a large goblin in 29.05, wearing a dark leather robe and a necklace of bones. The goblin speaks an incantation and reaches his arms out toward Thorvald. Thor's armor and the weapon in his hand begin to grow uncomfortably hot. (You can make a reflex save for your weapon and your armor separately. Just remember to calculate in rage and enlarge etc.)

    It is the party's turn to act. Draymun is aware of 3 goblins in his area. Thorvald is aware of 3 goblins in his area. Twiggy can see the three goblins as well as the goblin shaman. If you're not in the woods, you can hear battle and the cries of goblins but you can't target them. Draymun, Twiggy and Thor are, of course, permitted to communicate positions.

    1. ((Thorvald Will Saves:
      ((Armor: 1d20 + WIS + 1 = 10 + 1 + 1 = 12
      ((Weapon: 1d20 + WIS + 1 = 5 + 1 + 1 = 7

    2. Your sword and armor are both growing uncomfortably hot.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Shade is emboldened by Twiggy's song and moves closer to Thor, gathering the power of his magic to strengthen his own voice. "Dar'gak numar zul a tik ven kee naul!" Continuing in this fashion Shade attempts to convince the Goblins of their impending doom and calls for them to flee if they which to survive. (Actual sentence reads, "They are unstoppable killers who come for you next, flee!") Ghost sound enables the amplified voice to sound as if the very trees whisper in goblin of their doom. ((Do I need to roll or?))

    1. One of the goblins in front of Thorvald shivers and drops his weapon in fear. Another one shrieks and turns to run. Thorvald can make an attack of opportunity against him as his defenses are down.

  15. Seeing that her heals have been effective, Rayla moves forward to stand between Twiggy and Tom.

  16. Tom moves forward following the sounds of battle trying to move quietly. ((I'd like to move to 29.07, but around the grease spell, so it should be all I can move. But if I end up in 30.08, I am fine with that, ready attack))

    ((20+7=27 --Confirm 15+7=22 Damage, 3, 5, 6)) ((First damage roll is damage if doesn't confirm))

  17. Thor roars as his armor and weapon begin to grow uncomfortable, but before as he scans the goblins, he simply reacts as one of the foes before him attempts to flee, slicing from ground to sky with Thunor's Vengeance.

    ((Enlarge: +2 STR, -2 DEX, -1 Atk Roll, -1 AC

    ((Atk: 1d20 + 8(LHit) + 1(Mgc) - 1 (NLrg)
    ((Dmg: 3d6(NLrg) + [6*1.5](LStr) + 1(Mgc)

    ((Attack of Opportunity
    ((Atk = 10 + 8 + 1 - 1 = 18
    ((Dmg = 1 + 1 + 6 + 9 + 1 = 18

    ((AC: 13 AC, 28/50 HP, 5/18 rage used

  18. Responds to the swarming Goblins with furious anger and strength of blows.

    ((Move action: Draymun does not move, Kumo does not move

    ((Draymun - Normal Attack vs Goblin that hit him
    ((Attack Roll: 1d20 + 5(hit) + 2(flank)
    ((Damage Roll: 1d8 + 3(Str)

    ((Attack Results: 15 + 5 + 2 = 22
    ((Damge Results: 5 + 3 = 8 Damage

    ((Kumo - Full Attack vs Goblin that hit him
    ((Attack Roll (Bite): 1d20 + 6(hit) + 2(flank)
    ((Damage Roll (Bite): 1d4 + 3(Str)
    ((Attack Roll (Claw 1): 1d20 + 6(hit + 2(flank)
    ((Damage Roll (Claw 1): 1d3 + 3(Str)
    ((Attack Roll (Claw 2): 1d20 + 6(hit + 2(flank)
    ((Damage Roll (Claw 2): 1d3 + 3(Str)

    ((Attack Results (Bite): 11 + 6 = 17
    ((Damage Results (Bite): 3 + 3 = 6 Damage
    ((Attack Results (Claw 1): 16 + 6 = 22
    ((Damage Results (Claw 1): 3 + 3 = 6 Damage
    ((Attack Results (Claw 2): 4 + 6 = 10
    ((Damage Results (Claw 2): 1 + 3 = 4 Damage

    ((Draymun: 20 AC, 19/23 HP
    ((Kumo: 20 AC, 17/19 HP

  19. Thor moved in the direction of the unnatural whisper, toward the thoughts that had been pressing at the back of his mind and the perversion of Thunor's purity, until at long last, the goblin was in sight. Conjuring every last bit of rage at this creature's audacity to challenge everything Thor held dear, he struck as only a child of Thunor could.

    ((Enlarge: +2 STR, -2 DEX, -1 Atk Roll, -1 AC
    ((Power Attack: -1 atk, + 3 damage rolls
    ((Reckless Abandon: -1 AC, + 1 atk

    ((Atk: 1d20 + 8(LHit) + 1(Mgc) + 1(Rck Abd) - 1(Pwr Atk) - 1 (NLrg)
    ((Dmg: 3d6(NLrg) + [6*1.5](LStr) + 1(Mgc) + 3(Pwr Atk)

    ((Target: Goblin Shaman
    ((Atk = 13 + 8 + 1 + 1 - 1 - 1 = 21
    ((Dmg = 3 + 4 + 6 + 9 + 1 + 3 = 35

    ((AC: 13 AC, 28/50 HP, 5/18 rage used

    1. You swing with great force but your blow is deflected. The goblin's skin is thick and bark-like.

  20. Initiative Thor 14+2 = 16 vs. Goblin Shaman 17+4=21

    The goblin starts as his small companions are mowed down by the party. At the last moment he dodges and Thorvald's blow is deflected off of his rough, magically enhanced hide. He sneers and calls out to Shade "we will play another time then, human." He crouches and gathers his cloak about him and then jumps into the air and turns into a buzzard in a flash of cloth and feathers. Great wings flap and carry him up into the darkness of the treetops.

    1. Thor takes 3+4 = 7 points of damage from his weapon and armor.

  21. Shade raises his lantern over his head, allowing the shadows to play across his twisted grin as he strides forward towards the enemy. "Fal sur Moyer Eigen Sutur!" he intones. (The power of his spell washes off towards the enemy)

    ((Charm Person, threatened enemy 5 to saving throw.))
    ((DC 10 + 1 + 4 = 15 - 5 = 10.))
    ((Enemy must save vs DC 10))

  22. Stepping over near to Thor, Rayla grasps her holy symbol and chants the words of healing that will restore him to his usual vigor.
    (2d8 + 3 = 11+3 = 14)

  23. Tom fires an arrow at the shaman.

    ((Attack: 7+7=14 Damage: 6+1=7))

    1. Toms arrow flies past the now rising shaman-turned-buzzard.

  24. Draymun and Kumo press the advantage as two more goblins fall dead at their feet. With a unified growl and a pack mentality, they surround the final goblin they see and attack in tandem.

    ((Move Action:
    ((Draymun to final Goblin
    ((Kumo to final Goblin (flanking)

    ((Attack Action:
    ((Draymun and Kumo flank-attack the final Goblin

    ((Draymun - Normal Attack vs Goblin
    ((Attack Roll: 1d20 + 5(hit) + 2(flank)
    ((Damage Roll: 1d8 + 3(Str)
    ((>>>Attack Results: 5 + 5 + 2 = 12<<<
    ((>>>Damge Results: 8 + 3 = 11 Damage<<<

    ((Kumo - Normal Attack vs Goblin
    ((Attack Roll (Bite): 1d20 + 6(hit) + 2(flank)
    ((Damage Roll (Bite): 1d4 + 3(Str)
    ((>>>Attack Results (Bite): 12 + 6 + 2 = 20<<<
    ((>>>Damage Results (Bite): 2 + 3 = 5 Damage<<<

    ((Draymun 20 AC, 19/23 HP
    ((Kumo 20 AC, 17/19 HP

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Rayla heals her party.
    (Channel positive energy. 2d6 =8)

  27. Tom fires two arrows at the buzzard as it lifts further into the sky.

    ((Attack 1-18+4=22, damage 1)) ((attack 2- 6+4=10, damage 1))

    ((awesome rolls for damage!))

    1. Your first arrow hits the buzzard and it squawks. Feathers fly but it continues to rise.

  28. Feeling Rayla's healing power gives Shade the boost he needs. A quick caw calls Harken down onto his shoulder as he gazes up past his upraised lantern. Above the bird-man is struck by one of Tom's perfectly aimed shots and Shade smiles to know at least one of them has the skills necessary to fight him.

    ((Holding looting action for the close of combat.))

    ((16/16 hp's))

  29. The buzzard rises above the treeline and out of view. You hear a squawk come from the north a few seconds later but it's dark enough you can't tell more than that.

    Turning over the goblin bodies, you find small, crude javelins, bows, short swords, suits of leather armor, daggers and 30 gp in coins.

    On the large bodies, you find a shield, long sword, greataxe and battleaxe as well as 3 suits of medium chain. One carries a black pearl of medium grade and they have a total of 45 gp in coins.

    The ornamentation on the small goblins is that of the tribe that attacked you in the past/future but the larger hobgoblins wear the sign of a wolf skull, wreathed in fire.

  30. Shade gathers the items so generously "gifted" to them by their new menace and doles them out among the group to help share the new weight. Tearing down the vestiges of his alarm system and gathering some choice morsels of jerky for Harken consume the next hour or so as he works diligently. While he works he finds the time to hum a tune he has heard Twiggy sing on occasion that has so thoroughly inserted itself into his thoughts to become inextricably linked with that elven wonder of a bard. Thoughts, plans and ideas soar through the minutes he spends working but one idea keeps resurfacing in his thoughts, vengeance. Were his friends any less capable, any less prepared or any less lucky they might have suffered more grevious harm in this battle and that thought did not bode well. They had greater concerns Shade was sure, protection of the device that allowed them to revisit this place and time was of utmost importance, as well, saving their fallen.... But these goblins and their larger kin represented a threat to all life in the area. To pass up this opportunity to do good by stamping out this threat the group would in fact help to feed the evil. But if they were waylaid and killed would that too not lead to great harm? Perhaps they could employ others to seek out this lair and root out its corruption? Or would that just be passing on the risk and the threat it posed to another and at another time? Such quandaries were not common for Shade, apprentice fool and exile of his own miserable existence. Since when had he ever put the goodwill of others before himself? It began at the farmstead... Seeing the plight of those villagers... They had called him Thatcher son. They had rejoiced... And Shade had enjoyed it. Perhaps serving others was not a weakness, perhaps it gave strength... Who could know. If he could root out this evil and gain power at the same time could he not serve others and himself? That Shaman had held power over spells that were beyond his abilities but perhaps their secrets could be pried from his grasp. Shade knew that at the very least he could pry the knowledge from his corpse if necessary. Yes the Jester would get the last laugh and the applause!

  31. Tom retrieves the arrows he can find and scouts around making sure there are none hiding from the group. Once satisified with that task he returns to the camp to help anyway he can.

  32. After studying his spells for the day Shade heads over to join Tom and inquires about how he thinks they should proceed. Shade notes the way that he seems so at home among nature and he strives to emulate his movements and attitudes while they talk and walk. It works for awhile until he catches himself in his robes, trips and tumbles down a small slope ending up upside down with his robes over his head and his very best undergarments (ones with red hearts on a field of white) show.

    1. Thor contemplates throwing rocks at Shade's smallclothes, but decides he isn't interested in finding out what the wizard keeps up his sleeves.

  33. "Tom, do you think you could work out where these little beasts came from or find out if they left a trail we can follow back to their den? It would be a great honor to Thunor if we could ensure that Thunor's Fist is no longer defiled by such creatures."
