You nod to your companions and begin to trudge down the corridor to the right. Ghalen, being a dwarf, is helpful enough to mention as you leave that you are going due north. Kring is in the lead and Tom follows with a torch. The hallway is still five feet wide but the walls are covered in worked stone instead of carved out of bare rock.
The passage continues for 40 or 50 feet and then you are confronted by a four-way intersection:
The path in front of you continues on into the darkness.
The path to the right goes for 10 feet and ends in a wooden door.
The path to the left goes for 20 feet and then is obscured by webs.
What would you like to do?
Tom lights one of his remaining torches and holds it up.
ReplyDelete((I am going with equipped shield, using my sword arm for holding the torch. What I wouldn't give for something like a head mounted light.))
I like my chances with the wooden door, what say you dwarf? (( Kring fiddles with the handle of his axe, nervous and anxious about the challenges he feels are coming...))
ReplyDelete(Tom's a human.)
ReplyDelete((Whoops... Sorry. Humans, dwarfs, they are all small people to me!))
ReplyDelete"Works for me, Kring. Once more into the fray." Tom says.
ReplyDeleteYou try the handle and it turns freely. You open the door and realize that you're back at the lobby that you entered by. The oil lamps have burnt down but if you look up the stairway, you can still see the light of day.
ReplyDelete"Well, Kring, here's our chance to leave if we want. What say you, should we go back and search the other ways or leave the dwarves to their tunnels? Tom says.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHeh, human, I like you. I thought you wouldn't leave these dwarfs, but you do have it in you, don't you? I tell you what, take out a coin. Heads we go back in and look around, tails we head for the nearest tavern and drink ourselves silly. My treat...
ReplyDeleteTom looks down at his filled hands and back up at Kring, "You wanna hold the torch or flip the coin? But before we do this, seems like this place might be a place to get a goodly amount of riches. But, this place has an aura of death and I'm not so sure we'll live to spend this gold, if we stay. We've found the dwarf, we've got some coins. But...I think we should inform the dwarves of our decision, if we go. Seems fitting since we rescued you and they kept me alive. I'm not saying we should go, I feel a little beholden to them that kept me alive, but this place ain't natural."
ReplyDeletePut your coin away... They did help save my hide. Hell I really don't want to stay any longer than I have too. I was a goner until you guys pulled me out, but this place doesn't just wreak of death. Mark my words, if we stay, it is death.
ReplyDelete((Sorry for the deleted comments, auto correct is killing me smalls.))
ReplyDelete"Maybe we should stow these coins right here by the door. That way if we have to move fast, we can just grab this stuff and go, what do you think?"
ReplyDelete(Just general GM nitpickery here, I thought Kheldru had the coins.)
ReplyDeleteWhy head back in, can't they hear us from here?
ReplyDelete((Hrm, sorry, thought Kring was carrying the coins. Kheldru is carrying everything? I was out..interesting.))
ReplyDelete(Posted by Kevin: "Kheldru tosses the items into his pack and retreats out of the room")
ReplyDelete((I thought dwarves didn't suffer a load penalty?--reading the posts more closely)
ReplyDelete(They don't, I realized that myself today which is why I mentioned specifically that he's got his mace with him. Still, he's got all the treasure.)
ReplyDeleteLet's head back towards them, see if they have found anything, or head back and see what lies in one of the other halls. Your choice. Either way, I still have a bad feeling about this place...
ReplyDeleteWorks for me, let's see if we can't find the others.
ReplyDeleteTom heads back towards the mossy room.
((Sam, as the other group has got to a decision point, where are we in the separate timelines. My assumption is that the two were occurring at the same time.))
ReplyDelete(I'll say you guys are at nearly the same time right now. You both walked about the same distance and talked for a bit. What are you considering?)
ReplyDelete((So about the time, the got to the disc of bad things happening(tm) we decided to head back, correct))