Draymun's warhammer crashes in among the rats and the rest scatter in fear.
You lose 4 days worth of rations and two of your tents are destroyed. Your other gear looks to be intact.
20 feet away from Twiggy's position, two shapes appear out of the ground. They're hard to see in the dim light thrown by Shade's lantern, but they are large and the light plays across a shiny carapace of some sort.
(Twiggy's initiative vs. the new creature's: 9+2 vs. 13+0)
They scuttle forward into the light:
(Attack against Twiggy: Natural 20, confirmation roll: 12+5 = 17 which is a hit. 3+3+2+4+8 = 20 points of damage as well as 1 point of acid damage. I believe that's enough to knock Twiggy out.)
Twiggy slides, unconscious, from his horse and the horses he had gathered up scatter in fear, bolting as far as they can in every direction.
(Attack against Shade: 8+5 = 13 which is a hit. 6+6+4 = 16 damage and Shade is grabbed)
Shade is grappled and his lantern is in danger of being flung from his hands, but he manages to hold on to it for this round. (Successful Reflex save.)
It is the party's turn.