November 15th, 5 AM in the year 670 by Kingdom reckoning
There is a definite chill in the air and even some frost on the ground as you pack your belongings and load your horses for the trip. The group is in a somber mood and Thorvald especially seems keen to move forward as quickly as possible.
Rayla restores Dolgi's stats and introduces a dwarf named Jul. She met him on her shopping trip and found him to be a useful companion and eager for adventure.
The party leaves Bremel by 5 and rides for some time in near total darkness. You are shivering by the time the sun rises and begins to cut through the fog coming off the ground. You pass the camp where Rayna was killed and pause for a moment to pay your respects.
It is difficult but not impossible to follow the river on horseback and though you cursed the cold earlier, you find it helps that the ground near the water is at least partially frozen so the horses hooves don't sink too far in. The forest grows thicker as you make your way toward the camp. As the young bandits had said, the ground begins to rise more quickly up to some hills in the distance. You decide you are within half an hour of your destination.
As a reminder of what Armin said:
"Her camp is another 7 miles ride, probably a couple of hours at least through this brush. Just follow this stream til you get to a big hill then cut south. She's set up in a valley between two ridges. You'll ride right past it if you're not careful."
It is 8 in the morning and the sun is just now showing through the trees.
"Shade" Dolgi says as he signals for a halt. "What say you send the raven out to scout around for us? I'd say we are half hour or so from the place. I'd like the lay of the land, if he can give you that. If he can get a count or something more, that'd be better."
ReplyDeleteDolgi looks to Shade for an answer as he pats his mule on the neck. "Rest of us probably should dismount and rest the stock. We need to decide how we want to play this.
Rayla dismounts as quietly as possible and gathers her weapons. She loosens the cinch on the mule's saddle and lets it get a drink before tying it to a nearby tree. "Dolgi, maybe you can cast about for tracks and see where the opening to the valley is. The rest of us should be as quiet as we can. We don't want Minx to know we're here until we're ready to strike. I'll stand the first guard." With that, Rayla moves away from the group so that she can look around and listen for sounds outside the camp.
ReplyDelete(Not far Sam. 15ft. maybe.)
DeleteClimbing out of the saddle Vailian silently curses his body's stiffness. The dwarfs suggestion seems to be on point and the Mage calls softy to his raven to attend to him.
ReplyDelete"Harken, we have need of your stealth and guile, set forth from treetop to treetop, take in the sights, sounds and smells... With your keen senses you should be able to scout this better than most of us. Stay safe and fly swift, bring me back any sign of guards, traps or wards but don't get yourself killed." With a stroke of the birds feathers and a morsel of dried meat Harken takes to wing, eager to do as he is asked.
"Dwarf, if I lose my bird you will lose something equally as precious to yourself." Shade takes Darkness over to the edge of the stream for a drink and glances back warily over his shoulder to ensure that no ill will has festered between them.
The Raven is gone for some time. You feel mostly exhilaration at being free to fly in the wind. Some curiosity mixed with fear for a time. Then you feel excitement and joy and you are hopeful.
DeleteThe Raven returns with the corpse of a rabbit that has been dead for at least two days. He lands on your shoulder and begins eating quietly. The smell is overwhelming.
Dolgi chuckles at the wizard's threat. "Only thing I value that much is the next pint of ale!"
Delete...Harken returns.
"Woah, nice catch Harken. Well, what's he say wizard, in between bites?" Dolgi moves upwind from the rabbit.
Jul introduces himself. "Howdy, everyone. I am Jul Tekel. I have looked forward to adventuring for quite a while, but haven't had the chance until know. I am Alchemist. I make fire bombs to throw at my enemies. Been practicing for a while." He then tethers his horse. Pulls off the saddle and lays it near the horse.
ReplyDelete"Good to meetcha, Jul. I am Dolgi, ranger and scout for this band of bold adventurers. Your bombs will come in handy as we are about to attack the hideout of the Bandit Queen, Minx the Banshee. One of us has personal reasons for attacking her, the rest of us do it because it's important to him...and there's a bounty on her head. And I owe him and them my life and a small amount of gold. And Dolgi Orcsmasher always pays his debts! Once Harken the bold returns, I'll sneak forward to see what I can see and report back. I'll let the others introduce themselves, I've spoken too much."
DeleteWith that Dolgi turns and heads into the woods the opposite direction from Rayla, listening for the return of Harken and any other sounds he might hear.
Rayla sits down with her back to a large tree and quietly digs some jerky out of her pack. She can hear the soft murmurings of talk back at the camp but can understand nothing that is being said. Her attention is focused on the woods around her. As she sits motionless for a while the birds become accustomed to her presence and begin to go about their business chirping and flying about. The little forest animals too ignore her and begin to scurry around. Trusting their eyes and ears even more than her own she watches them to see if they change their busy patterns and as she listens for any sound that doesn't belong in the forest.
ReplyDeleteSpotting Harken's return Shade perks up. "What have you got there, let me see..." Reaching out Shade grabs the decaying rabbit carcass and tosses it to the ground, quickly drawing the birds attention with some freshly cooked sausage.
ReplyDelete"Dwarf, what can you tell about that rabbit, does it appear that it has been trapped, hunted or anything?"
Dolgi kneels down to examine the rabbit closer, taking out his skinning knife he moves the rabbit around looking at its wounds and smelling the decay.
Delete((Perception/Survival d20 +whatever you think--wisdom is +3 roll= 12))
Seems like a dead rabbit. You'd guess the bird got distracted by it during his lookout flight.
DeleteTurning back to the bird Vailian tosses a chunk of meat into the air, which promptly disappears. "Tell me what you saw Hark and you can have all the sausage you can eat.... It's coming out of the dwarves share anyways..."
ReplyDelete"Brawwwk, pretty bird."
Delete"Maybe you should spend more time teaching him to talk and less time making him do those party tricks." Dolgi says teasingly.
Delete"Well he tried, and that's the important thing... Heck, I've seen fighters with less intelligence than this bird has, if he had seen anything he would bring us a sign or I would have felt it in our empathic link. As it stands I don't think he found any sign of current tenants. Could be the rabbit was his way of telling us they have moved out and we missed our window. Either way, we need to get in there. I have a trick or two yet to be used, lets creep forward. When we get to an area of open ground I will summon an illusion to mask our approach. Thorvald, I think you should be first in, seeing as you have the raging strength of any ten dwarves... No offense guys. Rayla, if you follow closely behind him to offer support and healing that will enable Dolgi, Jul and I to have the ranged edge. If we get lucky and move quietly we may yet have more advantage than we thought. As for our mounts, I can't say that I want to leave them unattended but perhaps for now it might be best if we tie them up in this glen. It's far enough off the beaten track with plenty of grazing land and water, they shouldn't want for anything while we are away. Rayla, one last thing. Do you have guidance prepared? It may help to have every extra edge we can muster moving forward." Vailian, content that he has covered all the bases looks to his fellow stalwart companions to see if they have issues with the plan.
ReplyDeleteI agree.
DeleteRayla casts guidance.
ReplyDelete(on all party members including herself)
DeleteThor nods silently at Shade as his rage boils just beneath the surface. Minx has been free for far too long, and her time has come.
ReplyDeleteTurning to the newest addition to their company, Thor greets him with a silent handshake and then stepping forward, he draws Thunor's Vengeance and takes the lead position, signalling for the others to follow.
"Thor don't get too caught up in the vengeance to lead us into a trap. As we get closer, let me scout it out some. I don't trust the bird enough to give us the whole scoop. Could be they've left, but you know I'll find their trail." Dolgi says to Thor as he walks by.
Delete"We are set to move forward then, stealth and speed be our guide. From here on out we follow hand signals and coordinate in an unspoken manner at least until our presence is discovered. I will watch for open areas and then place an illusion to mask our approach vector across the space. Harken, fly and caw twice if you spot anything of interest, but stay close so that I can also benefit from your keen senses and presence."
ReplyDeleteRayla unsaddles the mule and tethers it were it can get at both grass and water. Checking her weapons she falls in beside her new friends hoping they know what they're doing. (Is my understanding of guidance correct? Will it stay on us until expended?)
ReplyDeleteJul also unsaddles his horse and places the saddle on a sturdy tree branch. Then ties up the horse near the water.
DeleteThor leads the group in a straight line down the side of the hill toward the south. The trees are getting thicker here and you're beginning to wonder where the entrance to the camp is. So far no one has spotted anything unusual.
ReplyDelete"Dolgi, are you able to make out any kind of trail or sign of passage through these woods? We must be cautious," Rayla whispers as she looks around with care.
ReplyDeleteShade shares his empathic link with his familiar, calling on the bond to sense Harken's emotions as it flies before him scouting. Straining his ears and eyes, Shade listens and searches for any sign of habitation, passage or presence. His stealthy approach is undaunted by the increasingly heavily wooded area as he deftly picks a path to avoid brambles, twigs, dried leaves or other noisy pronouncements of his presence. (Search, 8+2 Familiar Bonus +1 Dex Mod, 11. Listen, 12+2 Familiar Bonus +1 Dex Mod, 15. Stealth, 16+1 Dex Mod, 17)
ReplyDeleteYou see the trees losing foliage and perhaps a rabbit bolting into the dense undergrowth. You hear the wind rustling in the leaves and the passage of your companions.
DeleteDolgi scouts around looking for the entrance. [15+3(wis bonus)=18]
ReplyDeleteYou see nothing that looks like an entrance.
DeleteWhen you reach the bottom of the hill, the forest has grown to it's thickest. Directly in front of you is a thicket of branches and vines, to your left (west) is a fallen tree and to your right (east) the hill continues on down back toward where water would run off into the river.
ReplyDeleteDolgi searches around the fallen log for any sign of recent travel. After that he follows the hill down to the river, scouting for tracks.
ReplyDeleteThe log shows no sign of disturbance.
DeleteYou pick up a trail that leads both to and from the river consisting of several sets of tracks both new and old. You follow it back toward your party and it stops cold about 10 feet away from them.
Dolgi examines the vines and branches for anything out of the ordinary.
DeleteYou look them up and down and nothing seems out of the ordinary. Then you reach out to grab one of the larger vines and your hand goes right through it.
DeleteIt is a veil.
Upon seeing your hand pass through, everyone disbelieves it and it immediately falls. Behind the veil, standing in a row, are three tall, lanky figures wearing soft leather in muted tones. The man on the left gives you a wolfish smile and then says "freeze."
Rayla startles and trips forward, catching her fall against Thor and Dolgi in front of her. "Oops, sorry." She lowers her head in embarrassment (casting guidance on Thor and Dolgi as a touch) and looks fearfully at the group in front of her.
ReplyDelete(They'll be able to recognize if you cast a spell and they seem hostile. Do you still want to cast it?)
Delete(I understand. It's just that Guidance has both Verbal and Somatic or hand-waving components.)
Delete"I thought we came here to fight. Am I wrong?" I throw a fire bomb at the man in the middle. ( Hit ranged touch 9+3=13 for 1D3+3 3+3 =6 points of fire damage splash damage 4 points fire damage reflex save DC 14 for half )
ReplyDeleteThe man in the middle is hit by your bomb and shouts in pain. He attempts to fire his crossbow and hits Jul solidly in the chest.
Delete(19+3 to hit, 17+3 for critical confirmation. Light crossbow deals 1+6 = 7 points of damage.)
The man to the left deftly dodges the splash but the one to the right is hit by the blast.
They both let fly crossbow bolts, one at Rayla as she casts her spell and one at Thorvald as he's in the front and rather large.
Both shots miss.
The man in the middle has taken 6 points of damage, the one to the left has taken 0 and the man to the right has taken 4.
Everyone please roll initiative.
Initiative roll 3+11=14
Delete((Initiative 17+2=19))
Delete((Initiate: 1d20 + 2 = 16+2 = 18))
DeleteRayla casts her guidance as stated and steps to the side hopefully out of the line of fire.
ReplyDelete((Intiative 8+1=9))
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThat hits and the man in the middle has now taken 9 points of damage.
DeleteDolgi says, "Freeze? Why it's not even that cold!"
DeleteDolgi fires at the man in the middle.
((Attack 18+4 +1=23))
((Damage 3+1=4))
Rage floods over Thorvald's mind and he sees nothing but red. Charging at the one in the centre, Thor unleashes his fury.
ReplyDelete((Attack Roll: 1d20 + 6(hit) + 1(mgc wep) +1(charge) = 12 + 6 + 1 + 1 = 20
((Dmg Roll: 2d6 + [4*1.5](str) + 1(mgc wep) = 2 + 3 + 6 + 1 = 12
((Penalty: -1 AC for 1 round due to charge
The force of your blow pushes him back and he falls under the fury of your assault.
DeleteAnd lets out a loud cry of pain
DeleteShade raises his arm and chants a quick quartet of power, releasing the building might from his palm. A line of freezing particles darts through the air towards the more injured of the two remaining bandits. While he does so Harken, feeling the call through the bond a familiar has with its master, darts down behind the bandit, attacking with both rending talons.
ReplyDelete((Ray of Frost - 18, Talon One - 13, Talon Two - 14))
The Ray of Frost hits, roll your damage.
DeleteThe raven only gets a bite attack, at +4 dealing 1d3-4 points of damage.
((2+1=3 dmg))
DeleteThe bandit on the right has taken 7 points of damage and is still standing. The bandit on the left has taken no damage. The one in the middle is bleeding out.
DeleteThe two bandits still standing drop their crossbows , draw rapiers and both turn on Thorvald.
ReplyDelete(15+3 and 13+3 to hit, 3 + 5 = 8 and 2 + 1 = 3 for a total of 11 points of damage. Thorvald is flanked.)
Rayla heals Jul. (1d8=4+2=6)
ReplyDelete"Thanks, Rayla. Almost all of the pain is gone now."
ReplyDeleteJul comes out of delay. Draws his dagger as he moves next to the bandit that was on the right and attacks with the dagger. (9+2 to hit)
ReplyDeleteAn 11 will not hit.
DeleteDolgi pulls an other arrow out and fires at the bandit that started on the right.
ReplyDelete((Attack 7+5=12))
((Damage 1+1=2))
That does not hit.
DeleteThorvald roars in pain and lashes out with all of his might at the target on the left.
ReplyDelete((Power Attack: -1 attack roll, +2 damage rolls
((Reckless Abandon: -1 AC, +1 attack rolls
((Attack Roll: 1d20 + 6(hit) + 1(mgc wep) = 13 + 6 + 1 = 20
((Dmg Roll: 2d6 + [4*1.5](str) + 1(mgc wep) + 2 (Power Attack) = 6 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 2 = 20
((Penalty: -1 AC for 1 round due to reckless abandon
That's enough to do him in.
ReplyDeleteThat'll do pig, that'll do...
DeleteShade takes a five foot step and flanks the remaining guard before conjuring a ball of acid and throwing it into the back of his head.
ReplyDelete(14 + 1 Dex Mod = 15 against touch AC, 17 if flanked actually worked.)
That is a hit.
Delete((4-1=3 dmg))
ReplyDeleteHe grunts at the impact and howls in pain. Then he disengages from combat and runs up a trail, drawing a whistle and blowing a high pitched sound as he runs.
Delete(He has taken 3 points of damage and is 30 feet away. He spent his entire turn disengaging and running.)
((Sam can you describe the trail we are on? basically are we in an area we can funnel any attacking force?))
ReplyDeleteThe woods are pretty thick where you're at with a trail running through them. The path runs up and over a small rise.
DeleteIf your goal is to funnel, you'd take advantage of the trees and brush and stand on the side you came in from but from where you're at there's no way of telling if you'd be flanked. Your attackers, if they come from farther down the trail, would be at a disadvantage not being able to see you or your numbers but until they reached the "entrance" you'd be at the same disadvantage.
But we could go up to the small rise and have benefit of higher ground...for what that is worth. How far away is the rise?
DeleteYes, definitely. You'd estimate the rise is 60 feet, meaning that the bandit will be over the top next round if he doesn't do anything but run. Also meaning you guys could get there in a round.
DeleteThe woods does clear out a bit at the top but you would still have some cover up there from missile fire if you chose to.
Rayla lays her hands on Thor and heals him.(1d8=8+1=9!!!!!)
ReplyDeleteJul moves to about 10 ft from the last bandit and throws a fire bomb. (12+4 =16 ranged touch attack. 6+3=9 fire damage.)
ReplyDeleteThat'll hit, he's taken 12 points of damage.
DeleteDolgi fires an arrow at the fleeing bandit.
ReplyDelete((Attack 17 + 5= 22))
((Damage 7 +1 =8))
He'll stumble and fall to the ground with the arrow sticking out of his back.
DeleteYou stand still for several moments before you hear a horn sounding from some distance away, over the hillock and a bit to the West.
Rayla casts guidance and virtue on the entire party. ((guidance- +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.)(virtue- granting the subject 1 temporary hit point)) She draws her crossbow and fixes and arrow in place.
ReplyDeleteThe horn is answered by another one, more distant and directly in front of you.
DeleteDo you all move up the hill?
Rayla digs into her pack and pulls out the caltrops she purchased in Bremel and passes them to Thor. "We should probably give Thor a couple of those cure light wounds potions and Jul will be needing the alchemist fire."
DeleteWhile Rayla prepares her spells Shade runs up the hill, slowing near the crest and peeking over the top, ready to begin spinning illusions and prepare an ambush for anyone who would crest it.
DeleteDolgi pulls the masterwork crossbow out of his pack.
Delete"Someone want this? It aims a little truer than the normal ones. Doesn't hit any harder though. It's a heavy crossbow." ((+1 to hit only, heavy crossbow, so if you are proficient and have a regular or light, that will hit harder, but load longer too. But at least one bolt should come from it. Also someone should have the +2 Short bow right? Thor I think you can use it, but if Jul is proficient he has the STR bonus to use. Might be best there, let Thor fire the crossbow once, then ready his Greatsword.))
The hill crests and slopes down at a shallower angle than on your side. The trail heads south and then turns west into the forest. You can see perhaps 50 feet of trail. Beyond the trees you can see evidence of a valley.
DeleteDolgi then pulls the alchemist fire out of his pack and hands them over to Jul.
Delete((Sam if we stand just behind the crest, where we can see down the hill, but they can't see all of our body does that count as partial cover? or do you deal with cover? ))
DeleteYeah, that'll be partial cover. You'll have to hunker down though. (Call it half prone, -2 to ranged attacks.)
Delete((I propose we throw the caltrops down out at about 20 feet or so. right before they can charge, so they'll have to work through them, allowing us to use AOE and bombs to shred them, with ranged attacks. Maybe off to the right of the hill, or in the trees, Shade could put a silent image, which might make them think there is more of us.
DeleteAlso, if 3-4 come to us, don't blow through everything, just use ranged to pull them down and give Thor a chance to charge in and wipe them out. Then we'll move on.--This is easier for me to type on than Gmail.))
Rayla takes the heavy crossbow from Dolgi and loads it.
DeleteRayla is now completely out of actions.
Delete(Rayla burps, scratches her ear and smiles sweetly at the DM.)
DeleteJul takes the Alchemist's Fire vials and moves up beside shade
DeleteRefresh my memory. How many vials did I get?
DeleteDolgi heads up the hill to see what Shade sees.
Delete((-2 ranged for us firing or for them or both))
ReplyDelete"Thana Ya!"
ReplyDeleteShade pulls forth his wand of Enlarge Person and places it in his belt, for quick use. He then slides over into the brush and hunkers down, hoping the hills slope and the vegetation will give him the edge. His raven shoots forth and darts above the trees hoping to scout out the approaches through feelings of peace where safety reigns and fear where danger is found.
ReplyDeleteJul lies down just before the peak of the rise and looks down the other side if the hill.
ReplyDeleteJul moves over to Shade trying to remain behind the cover of the top of the slope.
DeleteRayla follows the group to the top of the slope and finds a spot with some cover next to Dolgi to await the attack.
ReplyDelete((XP recieved was 500 for battle with three bandits))
ReplyDeleteWhile you make your preparations, the horns blow once more and then are silent. It's a long moment, perhaps 5 deep breaths, before you see three riders on horseback round the bend and come to a stop. They are perhaps 100 feet away from the crest of the hill.
ReplyDeleteThe one in the center has brilliant red hair falling to her waist.
((Just to make sure))
DeleteDolgi keeps watch on the woods on either side of the trail, looking for people trying to flank them.
If everyone's ready, I'd like initiative rolls as a reply to this post please.
DeleteThor 12
Delete"Minx!!!" Thor shouts, pointing his mighty blade at her. "I've come for you, ha, ha, ha!"
ReplyDeleteLaughing, Thor steadies his nerves and readies his blade, preparing for the inevitable onslaught.
She appears to look closer and then throws her head back and laughs mockingly. "I'm afraid you have the better of me then. I've conquered so many young warriors I've lost count. Perhaps you'd better come back when you've grown into your armor."
DeleteShe turns her horse to one side and says something to the bandits flanking her. "Instead, maybe you should join me. I'l make sure neither your flagon nor your purse are ever empty."
"Coward," Thor spat. "You look down upon me after I slaughtered your guards, and yet you cower in front of the rest of your men. I'd never work for someone too weak to defend themselves."
DeleteShe flicks her hair and for a moment you think you've gotten to her but she covers her emotions quickly and lets out another mocking laugh. "Well well, a fiery one. I'll look forward to seeing what you bring on the auction block."
DeleteHer horse turns another circle and whinny's but she reins it in before continuing. "If it's a fight you want come forward and face me. Defeating my guards is nothing."
Dogi searches the woods on both sides of the trail.
Delete((15 +3 +1(Forest Ghost)=20))
Dolgi's gut tells him there's probably something out there but he can't see anything but maybe a flutter out of the corner of his eye that turns out to be a branch.
DeleteDolgi signals to Thor letting him know there are probably men approaching in the woods.
DeleteShade casts Enlarge on Thorvald from his wand and moves as far as he can towards Minx.
ReplyDeleteI believe your move is 30.
DeleteI will take a five foot step, behind Thorvald, into the middle of the path, after casting Enlarge.
DeleteThe woman chuckles once more but there's an edge to her voice now. "I see you've brought friends, slave."
ReplyDeleteShe says something softly and the men flanking her draw crossbows and fire. One bolt hits Thorvald.
(16+3 = 19 to hit, 6 points of damage.)
She holds them back from charging however.
((How far away is she and is guidance still on us?))
ReplyDeleteShe is 80 feet away and you still have Guidance.