September 4, in the year 670 by Kingdom reckoning
The camp is restless and jumpy the rest of the night but you do finally settle down and get some much needed sleep. The sentries report very little movement at all over night. In the morning, Sina arrives riding on a green stag and she tells you her story over breakfast.
The druids grove centers around an ancient tree, most druids know the grove is a source of power but few know where that power comes from. Beneath the tree, and she has trouble explaining this part, is some sort of gateway or portal that the fey use to travel between their realm and the material plane (your world.) She says when the gnome exodus occurred, many of her clan used this gateway to escape.
In the past few weeks, the area surrounding the grove has begun to mutate and wither. The trees are turning black and animals are dying or being transformed into abberations. She says the taint is spreading outward and somehow strengthening inward, so that the grove itself is now under direct magical attack.
If that tree is turned, there's no telling what will happen to the balance of nature in the area or the portal to the feywild.
She offers to lead you through the forest on a secret route that will get you to the edge of the taint by mid afternoon.
Tom glances at all his companions and the back to Sina. He nods, "Yes, we would follow you. The more knowledge you can share the better, our plans were to get to the grove and see if we could stop and reverse the damage done to it."
ReplyDeleteWith that, he begins the process of breaking camp.
Reaching into the wagon where the last loot was stored, he grabs the two wands and hands them to Rethas. "You did well out there last night, glad to have you as a member of the company. I would suggest that Enlarge Person wand would be handy to use on the Barbarians. Use these wands while in our company, but if you leave, we reserve the right to retain them in the company."
He grabs the greatsword and hands it to Thorvald. "As we discussed last night, since Kring prefers the axe, this shall be yours to use while in the company. Again, we'll discuss the ownership if you choose to leave. Just so the company knows, I retained a potion of healing for when I am scouting around, again, if I leave the company," he smirks, "and since that will be on death only, the company is free to retain ownership of the unused potion."
"Alis, if you would, help me with the stock. Let's get mounted and fulfill Draymun's quest."
Thorvald took the blade handed to him by Tom. "A very fine blade," Thor commented, examining it closely. "Such a fine blade requires a fine name to honor it," he said, stopping a moment to think. "I believe Thunor's Vengeance would be an appropriate name for the sword, considering the wrath brought upon those we have taken it from."
ReplyDeleteThor took his Greataxe and strapped it to his mule. With a fine blade such as this one, it would likely be some time before he would need the axe again. 'And with the bond that I feel to these proud heroes,' he thought to himself, 'I can't imagine leaving any time soon.'
Draymun listens to her explanation of the growing darkness and nods somberly, holding his tongue until she has finished her tail.
ReplyDelete"Tell me, Sister, do you know what could possibly cause such a thing? When your people left, could they have damaged the rift between planes?" His thoughts came from his tongue as he attempts to work it out in his mind.
"Okay, let us move along. We are grateful to have found you, and would welcome your assistance in getting us there quickly. Perhaps we can stem the taint before any more innocent life is snuffed out."
As the party prepares to depart, Draymun maneuvers himself so that he is within close proximity to Tom just before they set out.
"Keep an eye out, friend... I have a very bad feeling about this, and I don't want anything to catch us unaware." He gives a firm slap on the shoulder before moving on.
She doesn't know what could have caused it but she is taken aback at the suggestion that her people caused it. "It's been far too long for the Exodus to have caused this. It has to be some external influence."
ReplyDeleteThe party packs up and heads out with Sina on her stag leading. It is astounding how quickly the party travels with her in the lead. She picks a path out that allows the wagon to move at nearly full speed and by mid-morning even the least perceptive in the party can see the effects of the spreading evil.
Sina is visibly sickened by the sight of the forest's degredation. All around the trees are twisted. Large spots of black have formed and the bark lays around the foot of the trunks. No birds sing and you see no sight of animals but you sense the presence of lurking beasts.
By noon, you have crossed the threshold into the worst of the taint. Trees lay fallen all around and even the grass is a sickly brown color. There is a green fog or mist that lays a few feet off the ground. Sina informs you that the grove is still three or four hours travel away.
Tom finds it harder and harder to stay calm, seeing the devastation all around him. His anger is at a peak when he sees, half a mile or more away, 4 figures at the crest of a ridge.
Kring sits in the wagon, keeping to himself as usual. Running his finger over the end of his great axe, oiling his blade, removing the goblin gore that seems to be perpetually caked onto his trusted blade. These are the hardest times for Kring... The sitting... The waiting. Feeling free and at ease when in combat, agitation sets in when at rest. Years in the arena will do that to a man. One day, though not anytime soon, Kring hopes to find his rest in the quiet times such as this. No matter what happens in the near future, Kring knows that time won't come soon. Curious about the dying grove Kring hops out of the wagon to better view the area as the group continues further in. Although dying and decaying, Kring finds beauty here.
ReplyDeleteThe gathering gloom of their surroundings seem to settle upon everyone's soul. Khazad tried to spark up conversations with his companions to alleviate the tension but nothing worked. Khazad ate some crusty bread and dipped it in some watered down ale as he watched the tortured tree pass by. The green fog that had rolled in reminded him of tales from his childhood of crypts of evil and the foulest sorts. Looking to his medallion for courage Khazad clung to it tightly, feeling the warm embrace of a hearth spread throughout his body, even if merely in his mind it felt good. Possessed by an idea Khazad opens a vial of holy water and pours it out across the trunk of a tree and into the low grasses and strange mist below. Watching for a reaction he is suddenly aware that all eyes had turned ahead to shapes on the horizon. Torag, may I prove worthy to speak your name.
ReplyDelete(Interesting use of Holy Water, good job!)
DeleteThe Holy Water doesn't seem to have any affect. This leads you to believe that if there's an evil influence, it isn't actively working the blight.
As the agitation continues to grow inside him, Tom begins to scout further and further out from the path Sina follows. Seeing Khazad dismount the wagon and pour some liquid on the tree, Tom begins to close on his companions.
ReplyDeleteNoticing the figures appear on the top of the ridge, Tom whistles to get Thorvald's attention.
Tom rides up to Sina and with a nod toward the ridgeline, he asks, "Sina, pardon me, but would those be friends of yours?"
"I can't see well at this distance, but they look much too tall to be any of mine."
Delete(This area is relatively barren, which is how you got such a long look, but this means sneaking will be much harder. You can assume if you can see them, the closer you get, they'll eventually see you, and they have the advantage of a higher vantage point.)
Thorvald halted as he heard Tom's signal. He didn't like the look of this and as was his usual confident manner, he chose to act rather than to wait for answers to the many questions these strangers had raised.
ReplyDelete"Alis," Thorvald called out as he tossed the young man the reigns to his mule, "Secure the animals and find someplace safe to hide and make haste... It looks like we may have more troubles unfolding before us."
Thor stepped out to meet with Tom as he approached, but turned back for a moment. "Hamish," he said. "If you and Rethas are feeling up to the challenge, we could have another skirmish on our hands. And this time," he paused as he withdrew his gleaming new sword, "I will bring Thunor's Vengeance down upon any foes with the strength of the Thunderlord himself."
"What do you feel about the strangers, Tom?"
Kring, seeing the strangers in the distance wanders up to Tom, Khazad, and Sina, "who is this? Friend, foe? Any ideas?" With that Kring reaches back, fingering the handle on his great axe. Watching Khazad grip his talisman around his neck, Kring stifles a chuckle. Thinking to himself, let these new allies ask of their gods for strength, all the strength I need lies within me. Kring's unease begins to fade, his heart and head wrapping around the fact that this is more than likely going to end in bloodshed. Kring thirsts for battle again.
ReplyDeleteAs the party heads toward the ridge, the figures slowly grow clearer. They're obviously humanoid, and they are moving about the ridge very slowly. If you watch long enough, you realize that there is a pattern to their movements.
ReplyDeleteWhen the party is still 300 yards (900 feet) away, one of the figures breaks from it's movements and raises it's hands in the air. The fog along the ridge rises up and obscures your view of them entirely.
"Pa hud yw hwn? Sina, mae hyn yn edrych yn gyfarwydd i chi?" Draymun is dumbfounded by the rising mist, knowing that foul play is definitely behind it.
ReplyDeleteTurning toward Tom: "I suggest that we move up cautiously to better discover what it is we're walking into. I may be able to detect what type of magic obscures our path, which could help us figure out how to bypass it in the safest way. In fact, let's see if we can't figure it out now..."
[Casting Detect Magic around the general area.]
You know the spell very well. It's a Druid spell called Obscuring Mist.
DeleteThere are no magical signatures in your immediate area (beyond your party, that is) but you'll have to move much closer to determine anything about the ridge.
Tom glances around quickly seeing the path to the west would not be good for the wagon, but may provide another way up the ridge for some flankers.
ReplyDelete"Okay, there's a path on the west side we might get a couple folks up, but not the wagon and probably not the way we should send the big group. That mist won't last but we can use it to our advantage."
"I propose that myself and one other sneak up through that undergrowth. The rest take the wagon and move up this eastern path. Once the wagon reaches the top of the ridge, stop. I just want the wagon close enough to be seen as we move onto the other side. Those with the wagon, wait for my signal, which will be the howl of a wolf. Of course the attack signal is the scream of the panther."
"We should get moving though, that fog won't last forever."
Tom looks at his companions for their input.
About that time, the fog clears. It lasted about as long as Tom's planning and you are still about 900 feet away.
DeleteThe figures are no longer visible.
Seeing the fog lifted and the figures are gone, Tom looks at Draymun and Sina for advice. "This is your area to some extent, do you think we should proceed, were their other druids coming to aid and examine?"
ReplyDeleteTom nods when Sina shakes her head.
ReplyDelete"Okay, similar plan as before, let Draymun and I work our way up the west, while the rest of you go with the wagon. Don't try to be quiet, I want them to think we are all coming up that way, perhaps Draymun and I can flank them or at least scout the area out first. Howl of the wolf will be to proceed, as usual, panther scream means we've engaged. We are going to need a few minutes head start. Perhaps before you skyline yourself on the top of the ridge, you can look over it, Thorvald?"
"Alis, once you top the ridge and things have moved forward, keep the wagon in sight of Thorvald, but not too close to the battle, if there is one."
"We have no idea what they are doing if they are friend or foe. Prepare for foe, but accept them as friend if they prove that to be true. Keep close to each other, let Draymun and I be the scouts. We'll try to work toward you once on top of the ridge, if we can. It's possible they've retreated further, if that is the case we'll continue to the grove, that is our goal, ending this taint is a priority, but we've learned not to leave enemies at our rear."
With that, Tom checks his gear one last time and looks to Draymun for his ready signal.
"Tom," Thorvald began, "perhaps you Draymun and Kring can scout up to the East while the rest of us make our way with the wagon. If there is trouble afoot, perhaps we can determine what is going on and turn the tables on those who would do us harm."
ReplyDeleteDraymun nods at Tom to signal his preparedness and begins to head away from the caravan. After a few moments he turns and walks back toward Thorvald, leaning in to speak.
ReplyDelete"It is my Druid brothers and sisters that plague these lands, that much is now clear to me. Keep an eye on our newest guest... we can't be sure yet that she is truly here to help us."
He steps back and grins at his brothers-in-arms. "Stay safe, and make sure Kring doesn't hurt himself, eh?" He winks to Alis before jogging back over toward Tom.
"Ready when you are, Ranger."
You are unmolested as you top the ridge and Sina lets out a gasp as she sees the devastation wrought. What grass that was left lies withered and there are patches where the ground is almost as dark as night.
ReplyDeleteFrom your high vantage point you can look to the distance and see at least one figure darting through the trees. You can't distinguish much about it, instead being aware of it by it's movement. This much you are sure of, it is one of the beings that defiled this hilltop.
Khazad surveys the ground before them, realizing they are making little headway in their pursuit. "It seems as though we have gained little in our pursuit, they tire only as we do. There is another way, we could mount the animals, leave behind the cart and give real pursuit. None of us are skilled in fighting from horseback, I know, but we will not be able to close the distance any quicker without some assistance. Also, while we rest and ride, they will be winded and weak, unable to set a proper defense. That is, if we are agreed that pursuit is the best option. In this I merely offer my opinion, these lands owe their strength to gods that I know not. Draymun, I have fought by your side, I have seen the inner strength of the dwarven gods of old... One in particular... I ramble... Either way, it's your call friend."
ReplyDeleteDraymun nods and begins to hustle toward Arktas, mounting as quickly as he can.
ReplyDelete"Take to your steeds, friends, we shan't be outrun!"
With a "Yip!" his pony begins sprinting in the direction of the fleeing hooded figures.
Who's going with him and what are you riding?
DeleteKhazad looks to his companions, hoping that one of them has room to spare for a stout dwarf.
ReplyDeleteAfter Draymun mounts, the rest of the party quickly takes up the chase. You are stunned to see Rethas conjure a pony out of thin air and ride it bareback along side you.
ReplyDeleteYou fan out a bit and run your mounts as fast as you can. The mules have the roughest time of it but you still gain ground. It is a terse 30 seconds before Kring catches sight of the runners and shouts. They are all accounted for and the group begins to form a net around them. When you are within 40 feet you catch your first good look at the druids.
They are abominations. One has the head of a human but is covered in fine down like a bird, one has the head of a snake, one has arms like tree stumps, covered in bark and the last one appears to be covered in veins and open sores, as if his skin was turned inside out.
As you circle around them, the slow their run and eventually stand back to back as you close the noose. You are all now 30 feet away from them, still mounted.
(Roll Initiative please)
((Tom rolls 17 +4 = 21))
ReplyDelete((rolled: d20 + 2 = 11 + 2 = 13))
ReplyDeleteZug Zug
I seriously want to draw THESE guys... This might happen tonight.
Delete((Thor rolled: d20 + 2 = 4 + 2 = 6)
ReplyDelete((Draymun: 13-1= 12))
ReplyDeleteTom dismounts with practiced ease, pulling his longbow off his shoulder with one hand, the other pulls out an arrow. He sits his sight on the abomoniation with the veins. Tom fires an arrow at the target.
ReplyDelete((hit 12 +5 +1 = 18 Damage 7 +1 = 8))
Are you shooting from horseback or dismounting?
DeleteYou hit, the druid yelps in pain and the other druids take a more aggressive stance, gripping weapons and standing back to back.
DeleteOk, rolled a 10.... So, maths ((10+2=12))... I'm not sure if I hit, so, let me know I'll add my flair to it...
ReplyDeleteYou get off your mule and charge toward the druids, missing the one you aimed at.
DeleteAs Kring rode closer to the four abominations, for lack of a better word, they came into focus. The odd silhouettes became details that no earthly creatures exhibited. Kring, having fought many strange and unnamed creatures was distracted by this quartet. Unuse to riding into combat, Kring threw himself from his mule, Begining his charge. As he ran he pulled his axe from his back. His axe caught on the strap barely came off in time to swing at "stumpy." Throwing his axe over his head, as it came off of his back, Kring imagined the greataxe coming down on stumps right arm, the arm that still sported the closest thing to a hand. Instead, the tumble bought the Druid just enough time to throw his larger left arm up at the axe at such an angle as to deflect the axe back down at an angle to just miss the Druids leg on the follow through. Kring, not use to being this distracted, could feel his blood boiling. The Druids had better take advantage of Krings misstep; it's likely to be their only opportunity.
ReplyDeleteCircling around to the far side of the defensive group, Draymun leaps from Arktas and plants his legs firmly in the ground before looking up at the creatures in front of him.
ReplyDeleteHis eyes grow wide, "Tad, trugarha..." After what feels like an eternity but, in reality, was mere nanoseconds he clears his head and begins calling our to his fellows:
"We need answers, so Bird or Stump live. Snake and Boils, bring 'em down! Rethas, give the rest some cover!"
With his orders directed, he spreads his hands and fingers apart to either side before slapping them together. As his hands make contact extended from his body the "slap" sends the familiar green projectile coursing toward the Snake-headed abomination.
[Acid Dart, Ranged Touch Attack; 1d20-1(Dex)
Result: 17-1 = 16 To-Hit;
Damage 1d6; Result: 6]
((Booya, good rolls this round. Sam, I'm not sure if you had an idea of which Abom was where, so I just called it out by features and aimed the same. If the one I'm trying to hit is on the other side, then adjust it to the Stump one?
Also: do we get flanking bonuses on all of these guys for surrounding them, or is that only if you're in Melee?))
((I meant swap it to the Boils one, if that's the case. The ones I called out as targets. Derp.))
DeleteThey are standing back to back like a compass: Snake is North, Skinman is East, Birdman is South and Stumpy is West. Arrange yourselves however you see fit, I placed Snakeman to the North because that's where Draymun said he was, same for the skinside out man.
ReplyDeleteSina rides with you but pulls up short 50 feet back as you continue your pursuit. You can't tell why right now.
Draymun's Acid Dart hits it's mark and the Snake headed creature hisses it's displeasure.
Starting with the north and working my way around:
The Snakeman moves toward Draymun and attempts to bite him and hits. Draymun takes 4 damage and must make a Fort save.
The druid with his skin inside out casts a spell you can easily identify as Cure Light Wounds on himself.
The feathered druid raises his hands in the air and screeches and an Eagle descends from the sky to harry Rethas. He attacks with his talons and deals 4 points of damage.
"Stumpy" grunts and raises his greatclub in the air and brings it down hard toward Kring but Kring dodges at the last moment and the cudgel hits the ground, leaving a large dent in the turf.
[Fort Save 1d20+2 (+2 more if Poison, Spell, or Spell-Like)
DeleteResult: 16+2= 18 (+2, if applicable) = 20]
You shake off the effects of his poison.
DeleteThorvald draws Thunor's Vengeance as he dismounts from Hildebrun and charges the enemy nearest to him.
ReplyDelete((Hit Roll 1d20 + 3(Hit) + 2(Charge) = 5+3+2+1 = 11))
((Damage Roll 2d6 + [6*1.5] +1 = 4+2+9+1 = 16))
((Penalty: -2 AC until next round))
((Sam, have a look at my numbers, still getting used to the new magical sword and what it means for all the stats. Let me know what I need to fix if I do))
That will miss. What side were you on? Or what enemy did you attack? It doesn't matter to me, just wondering where to put you.
DeleteI think your numbers look good.
Khazad dismounts slightly clear of the circle of fellows, making sure to keep the enemies clear out of his range. Building a slow staccato Khazad releases his lords might at the height of the prayer, channeling his Gods strength through him into his allies in range.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather heal Draymun to the North or Rethas to the South? You can't hit both but you can definitely hit one without healing the druids.
DeleteHow much do you heal?
Rethas was healed for 6 points.
DeleteAnger at the desecration wrought upon the woods fills Tom with anger. Grabbing an arrow Tom bellows out a roar. Pulling back on his bowstring, Tom fires at the abomination with boils, then with his eyes gleaming with anger, he quickly nocks a second arrow and fires a second time.
ReplyDelete((hit-16 +6 +1 -2 = 21 damage 5 +1 = 6))
((Hit-8 +6 +1 -2 = 13))
Your arrow strikes the druid in the shoulder and he cries out in pain again.
DeleteKring, still off kilter from his horrible dismount, finally recovers, just as the bludgeoning end of the wood Druids arm comes in for a crushing blow. Dodging away at the last second the makeshift club slams into the ground with unnatural force, leaving a large dent in teh already desiccated ground. Kring, seeing his opportunity follows through with a vage strike to the Druids limb, cutting a deep gash, cleaving a chunk of bark and the strange tree/man flesh beneath. The sight isn't so much gruesome, but still rather odd. The exposed layer beneath the bark bears the resemblance to wood, but with blood oozing in between the fibers and out onto the ground.
ReplyDelete((Entering the rolls for Sy))
Delete((1d20 + 4 Hit = 13+4 = 17 for hit))
((1D12 + (5*1.5)=5+(5*1.5)=12.5For damage (stumpy still)))
He's still standing.
Delete((Well, I think now we get to see the death of Draymun, unless I get some lucky rolls...))
ReplyDeleteTaking the bite and recoiling a bit, Draymun reaches for his warhammer and shield ((attack of opportunity, I think)) and then swings at the Snake ((if I'm not already knocked out)).
[To-hit: 1d20-1(Dex); Result: 17-1= 16
Damage: 1d8+3; Result: 8+3= 11]
((Decent rolls, if I get the chance to attack))
You don't take an attack of opportunity. Sadly your attack does not hit him.
Delete((Bummer! On the plus side, still alive and my AC is a little better with my shield! *fistpump*))
DeleteSnakeman has taken 6 points of damage. He attempts to bite Draymun again, (17+2 = 19 to hit, 5 damage) and Draymun must make another Fort save to avoid his poison.
ReplyDeleteSkinman has taken 14 points of damage and healed 10 last round so he's down a total of 4. He would cast another spell but Thorvald is close enough to attack him so he steps back to the north into the spot where the Snakeman was and then casts Burning Disarm on Thorvald's sword. Thorvald, make a Reflex save to avoid being burned by your suddenly very hot weapon.
Birdman attacks Thorvald with his quarterstaff (3 + 2 = 5) and he doesn't hit. The eagle attacks Rethas with both talons (12+3 = 15, 7+3 = 10, one hit for 2+2 = 4 damage.) Rethas has taken a total of 8 damage which is enough to kill him, NPC hirelings get a save versus death and he saved by the skin of his teeth. He falls off his horse, unconscious.
Stumpy growls at Kring and attacks again with his greatclub (18+4 = 22, 2+3 = 5 damage.)
Sina looks worried. (She's an observer type and doesn't normally attack unless she's cornered. I had to play her straight here since getting her involved in a non-life threatening attack goes against her character. She doesn't judge you, because she knows that in nature some creatures are predators, she just can't, or doesn't want to, help.)
((How did Rethas take 8 damage? Only one talon hit for 4. He took 4 points round 1 from the animal, was healed for 6 in the same round, and then took 4 again. I think you forgot the healing. He should just be down 4, just like in round 1.
DeleteAlso, I'm at -1 and dying now.))
[Fort Save 1d20+2; Result: 11+2= 13]
You are correct, I neglected the healing, thanks Josh. Rethas is at 4 hp and still on his horse.
DeleteYou save against his poison again!
((Thorvald Reflex Save))
Delete((1d20 + Rflx Bonus = 11 + 2 = 13))
The save required is 10 + 1(spell level) + 3(Druid's Wisdom bonus) so you don't make it. Your weapon heats up instantaneously and you can't drop it in time, you take 5 points of damage but you're still holding your sword.
DeleteAs the chaos unfolds around him, Thorvald feels his weapon suddenly glow red hot in hands. The pain could be felt as it seared the flesh on his hands, but he swallowed it and raised Thunor's Vengeance above his head, advancing into the briar's patch of the druidic abominations. In a massive exertion of strength, Thor brought down his mighty sword and delivered a crushing blow to 'Stumpy'.
ReplyDelete((Hit: 1d20 + 3(Hit) + 1(Mgc Wep) + 2(Flanked) = 15+3+1+2 = 21))
((Damage: 2d6 + [6*1.5] + 1(Mgc Wep) = 6+3+9+1 = 19))
(Math's good.)
DeleteYour attack hews him from stem to stern and he falls to the ground with a surprised look on his face.
Khazad is dismayed by the carnage unfolding on the field, do his companions not have the force of right on their side? "TORAG DO NOT ABANDON MY FRIENDS!" Khazad moves with all his speed and strength, hammering out his prayer to Torag on his shield, building the crescendo as he approaches the fallen Druid Draymun and Kring the mighty. "Let the unwavering strength of Torag's anvil heal your wounds!" His hammer glows a soft hue and a small light ekes forth stretching to his two companions, mending flesh and cauterizing wounds. "Sina, have you no compassion! These men fight for you, for your land, for your people! Twice they have come to your aid and yet you wait, withholding your assistance... Help these men, heal these men... I beg of you!" Turning a determined face to the snake headed fiend on the field before him, Khazad spits out a dwarven epithet and then calls out a challenge to the monster... "Serpent of the Abyss there is no wound you can inflict that I cannot heal, there is no flesh I cannot knit. Before you stands the healer of Torag, Khazad, mightiest of his name, sole survivor of the bridge of chasms, heir to the legacy of the fallen Thane, champion of Ages... Focus your battle upon me or die screaming!" Hoping his provocation may entice the beast to change its strategy and come forth against him, Khazad braces his shield and sets his jaw. ((Maths: 1d6= 5, don't know if I have a modifier which can boost that heal as I have some nice stats but that's the best I can do, here's hoping guys.))
ReplyDeleteTom sees the battle unfold before him, smiling at Thorvald and Kring charging into the fray, Tom begins his next attack. As he draws the arrow back, he sees the snake abomination knock Draymun to the ground. Tom immediately shifts his aim to the new target, he fires an arrow at the snakeman. As his arrow is in flight, he grabs another arrow and quickly fires it at the snakeman. In the corner of his eye he notices Khazad streak across the edge of the battlefield, screaming out his prayer to Torag. Even though he is far away and not the target of the healing power, Tom feels the energy of the dwarf's faith fill him with courage.
ReplyDelete((Hit 18 +6 -2 = 22 not including the Point Blank at this time)
((Hit 15 +6 -2 = 19))
((damage 1 + 2 = 3 Total for both shots --Also not including Point Blank Shot))
((Fixing math due to range inside of 30 feet))
Delete((Hit 18 +6 -2 +1= 23))
((Hit 15 +6 -2 +1= 20))
((damage (1 +1) + (2 +1)= 5 Total for both shots))
They both hit but he's still up.
DeleteSeeing stumpy crumble to the ground unfolded kring's rage. Moving into position he whirls his axe around in a wide arc bringing the blade towards boils. As the blade moves in its wide arc Kring notices the odd blood stains on his axe and wonders to himself if the treeman blood tastes more like man or tree... I guess he'll never get that chance.
ReplyDelete((1D20+4 hit=19+4=23))
((Pretty sure that's a hit!))
1D12+(5*1.5)= 8+7.5=15.5 damage.
That's a hit and it almost takes him down but he's still barely hanging on.
Delete/Attacked by Snake/
ReplyDeleteDraymun collapses to the ground as the Snake's fangs bury into his shoulder once more. He blinks repeatedly, attempting to keep his vision clear, but it is a losing battle... and everything goes dark...
/Khazad heals/
His eyes snap open and his vigor is restored as Draymun regains his bearings, once again staring down the Snake-headed monstrosity squaring off against him. Narrowing his eyes, he smirks and taunts the creature, even as Khazad attempts to draw it away.
"Thought you'd taken care of me, eh, beastie? I don't go down so easy... let's see how you like it!"
With a roar the dwarf lift his warhammer from his foot with the strength of the mountains behind him and the weapon catches the Snake in the jaw with the force of a rockslide.
[Attack to-hit: 1d20-1; Result Natural 20;
Confirmation of Crit: 1d20-1; Result: 18-1= 17;
Damage: 1d8+3; Result: 2+3= 5 (x3 Crit) = 15]
((Took the liberty to RP the badass-ness of having some epic rolls after being knocked out. I literally yelled out EPIC when I rolled the dice on my phone while sitting next to Rose watching Arrow tonight. LOL))
That does indeed hit with shattering force and the snakeman falls to the ground, dead.
DeleteBirdman attacks Thorvald with his quarterstaff again but still can not hit (10 + 2 = 12). He then takes a five foot step away from Thorvald and Kring toward the space in the circle vacated by Rethas. His eagle does follow Rethas but since he moved, he only gets one attack (19 + 3 = 22, 2 damage) Rethas is now at 2 hit points.
ReplyDeleteThe Skinman is demoralized and flanked, he drops his quarterstaff and kneels in front of Kring.
Thorvald turns to see Rethas scratched and bleeding from the onslaught of the eagle. Losing himself in his rage Thorvald turns and charges the eagle, bringing Thunor's Vengeance down upon the creature.
ReplyDelete((Hit: 1d20 + 3(Hit) + 1(Mgc Wep) + 2(Charge) = 17+3+1+2 = 23))
((Damage: 2d6 + [6*1.5] + 1(Mgc Wep) = 2+3+9+1 = 15))
The eagle goes down in a puff of feathers and the birdman screams in rage.
DeleteKhazad runs to the aid of the beleagured Elven Wizard, spitting out the words to yet another prayer, feeling the strength siphoned from his body as more of his divine strength bleeds away into another. ((Casting spontaneous cast Cure Light Wounds, rolled 8+1 for an overheal)
ReplyDeleteTom switches his target to birdman and yells, "We only need one of you, which one wants to talk and which one wants to die."
ReplyDeleteWhat will Kring and Draymun do? Their response is dependent on what the other players do on their turn.
DeleteBlind to everything going on around him, completely lost in his rage, Kring looks down on his helpless foe. The pity in his eyes, the broken and beaten disfigured abomination of a man down on his knees before him. His pause as he walks slowly around to the side of his adversary may give the others in the group hope in This one being spared, but they would be as wrong as possible. Kring, as he walks around his victim isn't considering sparing his life, but is rather drinking in his fear, his trembling, taking in all of the little details of the last seconds of this mans life. The robe, lying in tatters, more on the ground at this point than on the figure, the blood pooling around him from his battle wounds, and the growing urine stain on what is left of the front of his robe. This is what Kring misses about the arena, and for these few seconds he drinks it in.
ReplyDeleteWith a gutteral, in humane roar, Kring raises his axe above his head, tightening his grip as he brings the head of his axe down through foes neck, through the knees that lay beneath that, and embed into the wretched earth below. As the axe slices through tissue like butter, a sickening spray of blood cascades across the battlefield, coating everything in its path in a sickly deep red, almost black gore.
This is why Kring fights, not for the money, not for the comradare of his peers, but for the simple, unadulterated glee he feels from the kill. Kring is satiated.
The birdman says "lay down your weapons and give me an oath that you won't harm me and I'll talk!"
ReplyDeleteKhazad lowers his weapon but does not drop it, preferring it remain in his hand. Sweating slightly from the exertion of the battle he stares across the field of viscera and gore at the lone surviving combatant. "Draymun speaks for these lands, and any discussion will go through him. But be warned, I will decorate these lands with your entrails before I let any more harm come to my friends, that is a promise." Nodding slightly to Draymun, Khazad turns his body slightly to make a path for the Druid to approach his captive.
ReplyDeleteThorvald feels a change in the air, as though someone had sucked all of the charge from the air. As he stood over the destroyed remains of what was once an eagle, the companion of the defeated druid, he felt the haze fall back and his senses return. As Khazad lowered his weapon, Thorvald chose to follow suit.
ReplyDelete"I will sheathe my weapon, druid, but I would sooner remove your head with it and forgo this parlay than leave myself defenseless."
Thorvald put his hand upon Rethas' shoulder, ensuring the elf was sufficiently recovered from his ordeal. Smiling at his grumpy companion's survival, Thorvald continued over to wear Kring had brought down the devastation of an entire army in a single blow and spoke softly, calling him from his rage.
"The battle has passed friend. Thunor has granted us a great victory. Be calm, we are no longer in danger."
Thorvald gave Tom a look, his eyes telling the Ranger that he could tell what he was thinking, but that it was unwise at this time.
"You have my oath," Thorvald said loudly, turning back to the Eagle druid. "If you surrender yourself, I shall do you know harm so long as you are our prisoner."
"I will surrender myself willingly." He lays down his quarterstaff and takes the sack he's carrying from around his shoulder and tosses both toward you.
Delete"As a show of good faith, will you allow me to lay my brothers to rest?"
Draymun shakes his head as he steps toward the Bird-man, his hammer slung over his shoulder with obvious remains of the Snake smeared across it.
Delete"You are not in a position to make demands, and you get no such good faith from us, Cablwr." The tension in his voice is palpable, as the desecration in the area begins to twist his insides in ways he has never felt before. "You would do well to begin your explanation of events here, before we decide you are more burden than boon. NAWR SIARAD!"
He slams his warhammer to the ground with a thunderous blow, and leaves it upright in the dirt, handle within reach for a quick reaction, should the need arise.
He takes a step back at the force of your intimidation but quickly recovers.
Delete"Ah, so you are a Druid, I thought I smelled something green on you. And a dwarf at that. Hmmm." He rubs his chin and smirks. "Then you must understand the importance of honoring fellows who have fallen."
"I will recount the events exactly as they happened: my brothers and I were performing a ritual on that ridge back there," he points to the ridge, "and we saw some travelers turn from their course and head directly toward us. We wished our sacred rites to remain secret so we called up a mist and ran. The travelers then chased us on horseback and attacked us without mercy or thought of parlay. We defended ourselves but were outmatched. Then, one of my friends, a dear brother" he chokes up, "my dear friend surrendered and an infidel, half breed abomination took his head." He spits in the direction of Kring.
He looks around as if to clear tears from his eyes and then steps forward. "I wish to lay them to rest and then I will submit to being your prisoner."
"And what of this taint, befouling the land. It is unnatural. What can you tell us of this desecration?" Thorvald asked.
DeleteKhazad feels the weight of this strangers words weighing upon his soul. Could it be true? Did they attack and end the life of three innocents? Surely Torag would not have steered him down such a path. What God would compel him to kill innocents? Khazad feels out of depth, lost and confused. "Maybe I should never have left the church," Khazad mutters to himself quietly. He turns from the assembled group, taking his heavy heart with him to those left behind with the wagon.
DeleteTo Thorvald:
Delete"It is the way of nature to take what one needs to survive, is it not?"
Tom slowly sheathes his arrow and slings his bow over his shoulder as he glances from companion to companion during the birdman's answer. His last glance lands on Sina as he says, "Sina, you've been quiet, this grove and the forest surrounding it is very special to you, not only as a druid but as it is woven into the story of your ancestor y. What say you about this story, does it ring true? Did we attack and kill innocent druids or does this...druid speak falsely? I know enough of nature to know they have the taint of desecration and perversion, but I am no scholar when it comes to druidic ways. Speak, please."
DeleteAfter waiting for Sina to speak, Tom glares at her for her lack of help.
DeleteHe then walks up to the birdman and stares at him for many seconds. He then draws his longsword, and says, "It was a good story and I sense in you a desire to live. The question, druid, is can we believe you. Can we see the desecration and destruction your ritual wrought on the ridge and believe you are innocent? Do you know who I am, druid? Do you sense the green on me? Do you wonder if I will, in a burning rage, harm you?"
Tom smiles, "No, druid, my actions will be cold and hard as nature is cold and hard and not based on rage. My only request is this. Tell us what you know of the blight and desecration here, tell us true and we will help you honor the fallen."
With that, he calls his companions to watch the druid and listen to the words he speaks to divine the truth. His glance at Sina is hard, his eyes ice blue, then his gaze returns to the birdman.
Khazad reaches the wagon, ignoring the words of Alis and Hamish, reaching to fill a basin of water from the barrels in the rear. Taking up the basin Khazad looks at the reflection of a man he knows not. As he begins to wash the blood from his hands and the dirt from his face, the dirty water reveals the tainted visage he sees now in his heart. Torag has lead his champion astray, he has abandoned him. No true god would allow for the things which had taken place to befall his group. He takes forth his mace and drops it on the planks with a dull thud. He pulls off his chain mail and drops it as well. Dumping the spoiled water he refills the basin and pours it over his nearly naked form. Whispering a prayer his father once spoke to a god long lost he falls to his knees. Splinters rip through his knees and fresh blood mixes amidst the grime on the planks. Khazad knows that this journey has set a new path before him and he will seek answers to the questions that have plagued him. Picking up his chain mail he begins to clean and oil it with renewed purpose.
DeleteThe druid stands still while Tom says his peace and returns his glare without flinching. "I see that you are slow witted and single minded. So be it, I will tell you the tale you wish to hear so that I may see to the fallen."
Delete"We are druids who worship the Lady Oughing, the Leech Queen. This "blight" as you call it is, as you imply, a result of our rituals. We draw power from life and use it to fuel our magics. This is the way of nature. I thought I had made that clear. We are called Defilers by those who don't understand our ways."
"You claim I desecrate nature and yet you kill without remorse." He gestures around and his eyes fall on the eagle. His jaw tightens and he steps closer to Tom.
"If you wish to face me in single combat to sate your lust for revenge, so be it."
Hamish and Alis and the wagon are still in sight and no harm has come to them. They'll be within shouting range momentarily and they'll come up to the sight of the battle in a minute or so.
ReplyDeleteKring, lost in the moment, almost flinches when Thorvald placed his hand on his shoulder. The rage and bloodlust drained from his vision, almost visually in his sight. The color returned around him and he took in his surroundings once more three bodies lie in a heap, his companions, the battle showing in their faces and from the gore staining their garments and face, still looked no worse for the wear.
ReplyDelete"What have we learned from the snake? I'm done with this place." Wiping his axe across his loincloth, he continues to finger the grips of the mighty blade that has served him so well to this point. He bends over slightly, keeping his eye on the remaining foe and starts rifling through the pack of the headless skin man, muttering to no one in particular, "he won't be needing this anytime soon."
On the three bodies and in the Birdman's satchel you find:
Delete1 Greatclub
3 Quarterstaves
1 Scroll (which Draymun can surely identify)
1 Malachite gem
1 Tourmaline gem
126 Silver pieces
3 sacks of rations with berries and jerky
Sylus TheOldManFebruary 18, 2013 at 7:41 PM
ReplyDeleteAfter finishing going through the dead Druids belongings, Kring moves over slowly towards the remaining abomination. Seeing that the questioning is getting nowhere Krig decides that it's time to try another method. Coming around behind the Druid Kring grabs him around the neck. "This is your last shot, I'm growing weary of waiting. Are there more of your kind? Where are they?" Seeing that this is getting nowhere Kring crams both hands into the abominations mouth, gripping the lowe jaw and roof of his mouth in each hand and begins to stretch it open. "Last chance. I'd decide quick, I've always wondered if I could remove a head at the jaw, nows as good a time as any to find out."
((Fixed, thanks for pointing out he has no beak... I knew this...))
Delete(This druid isn't helpless so you won't be able to just walk up and do that stuff. I need you to make a grapple check: d20 + CMB.)
Delete(Ok, you rolled a 19 and his CMD is 14 so you can grapple him.)
DeleteHe gags and gurgles and manages to say "Yes there are more of us, many more!" he struggles for breath, "they're at the tree! The portal!"
Alis yells "that's an unarmed prisoner! This is murder!" and Hamish puts a hand on his shoulder to quiet him.
Rethas stands by, with an amused look on his face, but even he isn't looking directly at the Birdman or Kring.
Sina begins to ride off, muttering "Like a cat toying with a bird...they're predators."
Hearing Sina's mutter, Tom whirls and points his sword at her (not threatening but he has it in his hand, so it's like he was pointing at her), and exclaims, "Yes we are predators, but I wonder if you knew this was happening and brought us this way! You, who stood there while we fought, you who's grove is in danger, you did nothing. Well, we'll be your dogs of war, we will bring vengeance down on these that pervert and desecrate these woods. And when our vengeance has fallen, we will leave you to clean up the mess. But hear me now, we don't do this because of you, or because we are predators. We do this because Draymun is our friend and it's important to him." With that, Tom sheathes his sword, nods to Kring and turns back to fetch his mule.
DeleteKhazad watches the scene unfold as a knot grows in his stomach, this is not the way of his world. Climbing down from the wagon and taking out his mace and shield he strides over to Kring. "Release this man this second or I swear by all that is holy you will feel my hammer." There is fire burning in his eyes as he bores into the soul of the former Gladiator. "This isn't the ring, and we aren't your adoring fans." Turning his stare upon the defiler, trusting that Kring will know how serious he is, he remarks,"Defiler, your ways are foreign to everything I hold dear. The world is a strange and confusing place when gods allow beings such as yourself to pervert the land. Will you give up this sickening art and leave the land alone? If you choose this path I will ensure that the Gods smile upon you and that no harm shall befall you. I would ask that you leave these lands behind and start anew. I would have your word, and we would seal the pact in blood, bind it by the gods and affirm it in front of all those assembled. If you try to lie to me, my God shall inform me thusly and I will take it that your machinations look towards revenge, and the fate you succumb to at these brutes hands will weigh upon my soul no longer. What say you?" With that Khazad turns away from both men before either can respond and he begins performing ritual rites to honor the dead. Taking forth his dagger he stabs into the ground, breaking up the soil and pulling at rocks and dead roots, digging fresh graves.
Delete"You would let this one live? You know he will go straight back to the others! I have no doubt you mean what you say Khazad, but you will be bringing down the wrath of all of his comrades upon us at once. At least this way we fight them on our terms, at OUR time of choosing. Don't be so foolish. Even if you don't want me ending him like this, he has to go. Don't be a fool."
ReplyDeleteDraymun lets the fury bestowed by the taint slowly fade as the scene develops in front of him. As Khazad makes his statement and begins to prepare the graves, he nods solemnly and looks to the Bird-man and Kring.
ReplyDelete"Kring, release him. Enough suffering has been wrought by his hands and our own. I do not agree with his methods, but he is still a brawd." He puts emphasis on the Druid word and stares at the man before him with a great intensity. "You have defiled this land in pursuit of divinity, and..." he gestures to the fallen that litter the ground, "...have paid penance for such. Death from life, Predators and Prey... there is pain everywhere, do you not see that your kind are responsible?" He blinks as tears begin to swell in his eyes. He looks away and pauses for a moment to compose himself.
"Enough. Enough now. We bury our kin and decide where to go from there. You have my word," he glaces sharply at both Kring and Tom, "that your life shall be spared. Do not lead me to second guess my mercy."
He shakes his head slowly and puts away his weapon and shield. As he turns, he pulls out his Pickaxe and moves toward Khazad. He clasps him on the shoulder and leans in to speak quietly.
"Thank you for your voice of reason, Brother. I fear this taint is infecting even the most noble among us. Best to honor the fallen and move along as quickly as possible... I wish not to stay here any longer than is necessary, lest my very faith be tested..." He lets his words linger as he squeezes his companion's shoulder, giving them a moment to sink in.
As the moment passes, he grips his pickaxe firmly with both hands and begins to till the ground before him, assisting in the burial work.
Thorvald takes up a spade as well and begins to assist with the burial. Mere minutes before he had assisted in their downfall, but they were a threat then, they were dangerous. This prisoner being tossed about was nothing, and Thor pitied him to look upon him.
DeleteHe would aid in granting rest to the fallen. It was not the way his people would send their dead to return to Thunor, but these, abominations would not be welcome in the Stormlord's realm.
The prisoner claimed that their way was the way of nature, 'But nature does not defile itself to survive... It is balanced, and in balance there is both life and death, not... this,' Thor thought to himself as he drove the spade into the earth.
If Kring releases him, he moves to the ones digging graves and says quietly, "thank you for honor you do my fallen comrades, but it is not our way. If you'll allow me, I'll return them to the earth."
DeleteHe reaches out his hand and places it on the brow of the snakeman. You feel a surge of power and the snakeman's body withers and crumbles before your eyes. In mere seconds, his corpse is reduced to dust.
Watching the burial rituals being interrupted by some unnatural process Khazad grabs two days worth of rations and hands them to the defiler. "Follow our wagon ruts back along the path to the highway and then turn for Ashmont. Do this and no harm shall befall you from us. Swear to me on this day that you will turn your back on these defilers and their evil ways. You can find a new path in life." Cutting his hand with a knifepoint so that blood drips down his now outstretched arm, Khazad offers it to seal the proclamation.
DeleteHe'll take your dagger and prick his own palm and shake. Then he'll take the rations offered and begin trudging quietly in the direction you pointed.
DeleteTom watches as Khazad and then Draymun speak. Glancing over at Thorvald, he takes his mule back to the wagon, tying him there he looks back at the group and shakes his head. He takes a deep breath and begins scouting around the area.
ReplyDeleteA calm overtakes Khazad as Draymuns words and gestures touch his heart. Glancing back at the defiler and then the bodies Khazad leaves Draymun and his pickaxe to dig the graves, knowing his dagger won't do the job. Seeing Tom ride off and the look on Krings face, Khazad can't help but worry. He takes out a vial of holy water for each grave and sets them out near where Draymun is working. "I don't know much about your ways Druid but I would offer what I can to try and make these graves holy once more, that the acts of their lives may be rectified in their deaths." Returning to the wagon he fills the basin and makes four trips, fetching a basin of water and cleaning the bodies for burial. Lost in this process he does not pay attention to the actions of his fellows, hoping to not look into the eyes of any of them and feel any more pain this day.
DeleteKring, still feeling that this is one of the biggest mistakes they could make at this point, their word or not, lets out a roar of aggravation, throwing the Druid the the ground. "Bury your dead, then if I ever see your face again, and I mean EVER, I will personally rip your head from your body and desiccate your remains in ways unspeakable. Do we have an understanding?" Kring spits at the Druid, and with one last shake of his head, walks off towards the wagon. Stopping a few feet away he addresses his group of adventurers, "I pray to all of your "gods" that this doesn't come back to bite us in the ass." Let him bury his own, we have work to do." With that Kring places his axe over his shoulder, wipes his hands on his tattered clothes and walks away, never looking back at the Druid. Kring is done with him.
ReplyDeleteTom continues to search around for tracks and information as the burying process continues. As the process comes to a close, Tom returns to the group and tells Thorvald what's he's seen and what the options are, in his mind.
ReplyDeleteAs he turns to go, Tom stops and leans in and whispers something to Thorvald.
"Lets all get on equal terms here. We are in a dangerous place as it is, lets not be worried about each other. I know I can fly off of the handle, but lets lay our cards down, no secrets. Tom, care to share with the group?"
ReplyDelete"Tom told me he believes their camp to be north of here," Thorvald said, turning to address his comrades-in-arms. "He is going off into the woods, and I suspect he will be back by the time we make camp for the night."
Delete"He has also told me that the camp is northwest of here," Thor continued. "To which shall we proceed?"
"I am spent, the energies within me have run down and I feel the weight of our actions upon me, I would not be opposed to a rest."
DeleteFinally letting all of the events of the day settle in, Kring feels the exhaustion. "Let us rest, I feel a battle in our future, and for the first time in the past few minutes, I don't feel it's a battle between us, but rather for us." Settling in for the ride to camp, Kring shows a knowing smile, muttering to himself, "watch yourself Tom, at least someone has this group in mind."
Delete(( I have nothing to add. Ready to move on. ))
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.