Monday, January 14, 2013

The Stonestout Inn, Bremel

August 29, in the year 670 by Kingdom reckoning. Approximately 8:00 PM

It's a busy night at the Stonestout Inn. Ghalen waves when you come in and kicks a couple of black-out drunk farmers out of their corner table for you. He pulls up a chair and sits in it backwards, hanging his bar rag over the chair back and chats you up for a bit. He's happy and is happy to see you. Soon enough something demands his attention and he gets up and leaves you to your business.

Shortly after he walks off, before you even get a chance to order, a leg of mutton, several loaves of crusty bread and some boiled potatoes show up, along with two huge pitchers of the namesake Stonestout.

Hamish's eyes widen and he begins to droll at the sight of the food. He digs in happily.

It's a normal night. There is a game of knuckles going on at the table next to you. A group of young men are singing at the bar.

On the door are several postings looking for adventurers. (If you want to take a look, let me know and I'll tell you what they say.)


  1. ((I am interested in the postings. Since I was here during the shopping break, we could also say that I had already looked so no one has to actually go look.))

    Draymun gives Ghalen a hearty slap on the back as he gets up to leave and grins as the goodies are delivered to the table.

    "Can always depend on the hospitality of Dwarves!" He grins at Tom as he pours himself a flagon of Stonestout. Taking an all-too-big drink, he continues as remnants of the beverage drip down his whiskers, "Let's have a look at that there map and drink to friends and adventures! Here-here"

  2. Posting 1: Looking for stout men-at-arms to guard a caravan of goods destined to Lochport. Pays 10% of profits plus provisions. Inquire at the Electrum Buckler Blacksmith Shop.

    Posting 2: Lost, one gold music box. Last seen in the Muir Woode. Reward. Bangles the Bard.

    Posting 3: Wanted Minx the Banshee, bandit queen, for crimes against the people of Bremel. Reward of 1000 gp, dead or alive.

  3. ((Do we know where Lochport is compared to where the mine is?))

  4. (It's the town by the lake on the map Euri gave you. You know by reputation that it's a human city, probably twice the size of Bremel. Ships come up the river (not shown) and pick up cargo bound for the coastal towns. If Bremel is a moisture farm, Lochport is Mos Eisley.)

  5. ((I may have to draw my own map with names/markers for my benefit! Where is Muir Woode? Also: Lochport is the city by the lake... southeast of Bremel, about the middle of the map?))

    Draymun finishes his flagon and slams it back down on the table, letting loose a belch that would make any dwarf proud.

    "C'mon now, Tom... don't be holdin' out on us! I want to see that map so we can plan our next big thing! Don't tell me you're getting all soft on me now!" He grins playfully, lets out a chortle, and reaches for more Stonestout.

  6. (I'm going to let Tom make any answer he wants before moving forward.)

  7. Tom sees the postings on the wall, looks them over and returns to the table as the food and drink are delivered. "Alright Draymun, simmer down, you got drink and food and good company, why are you being so hurried?" Tom asks with a grin on his face.

    Tom pulls the map out of the map case he purchased after leaving Euri and spreads it on the table so Draymun can see. Tom points at the mine and begins to look for paths he knows through the forest. Tom begins to bite his lip as he studies the map.

    "Well Draymun, I know the Muir Woods some, and there are two opportunities on the door over there, located in the Muir Woods. Some woman calling herself Minx the Banshee, although she might not be "in" the woods, she's close by here. And some bard lost a music box. Might not be a bad start to the next adventure? If the merchant still needs an escort after we return the trip to Lochport will take us towards the mine. What say you?"

  8. "Indeed, those all sound like fine plans, my friend! I'm sure we could get ourselves into a fine bit of trouble to the east. However..." he trails off for a moment as if weighing his words before speaking them, his face suddenly growing grim.

    "However, there is another issue that I wished to bring to the table. It seems that a Druidic grove to the north of here is being tainted, and as such the land all around is being tainted as well. I am not sure of the implications yet, but if left unchecked it may very well spread all the way to Bremel, Ashmont, and beyond..." He stops himself from racing on with his words, obviously worried about the events transpiring.

    After a moment of silence his eyes lighten back up, and the grin again adorns his shaggy face. "Not to say there wouldn't be any profit in it... that Bandit Queen could very well be hiding up there, for all we know! Not to mention we'd be mere days from Ashmont, perhaps we could arrange transportation back to Lochport from there?"

    He finishes his Stonestout and puts his empty flagon on the table, making no effort to refill it this time.

  9. Sitting at a table near the corner, Thorvald's had raised from his mug at the sound of a familiar name. 'The human said Minx the Banshee's name,' Thorvald thought to himself, I heard it. Listening more intently now, he eavesdropped while pretending to down his ale.

    The dwarf replied about some druidic grove and Thorvald quickly began to lose interest, until he heard it again, 'the Bandit Queen'. Thorvald jumped to his feet, sending his seat flying across the bar, nearly crashing into another table, and he charged the four sitting at the corner table.

    "You will rue the day you signed up with Minx the Banshee!" Thorvald spat at them, drawing his Battleaxe and shield. "Any friend of that bandit is an enemy of mine! By Thunor's wrath, I will cut you all down. Now stand and face my rage!"

  10. Patrons scatter in all directions as soon as weapons are drawn. The barkeep yells "guards, guards" but to no immediate effect.

  11. Tom had noticed the redhead in the corner as he moved through the tavern, taking his measure and realizing he might be a good addition to the group. When the man stormed over to the table upset about the bandit queen he and Draymun had just been discussing, Tom considered the fates must be with him.
    "Well hello good sir, perhaps you would like to partake in our food and ale, hmm?" Tom pushes the mutton closer to Thorvald. "No need to waste this great ale and tender mutton is there? Perhaps we can speak about what has peaked your interest in our conversation?" Leaning closer to Thorvald, Tom's tone changes from the calm tone it was to a commanding tone, "In other words, sit down and quit talking so loud about our business opportunities." Tom smiles.

  12. As Thorvald rushes the table, Draymun begins to pour a fresh glass of Stonestout, returning to his merry ways.

    //You will rue the day...//

    With a bellowing laugh, Draymun regards the fresh fellow with good humor. "Well, now that's an introduction!" He slides the flagon of Stonestout in the direction of the Barbarian as Tom begins to speak.

    //...about our business opportunities.//

    Tearing at the mutton on the table, Draymun takes a hearty bite, as if to say 'See? It ain't poison!' with his typical grin plastered onto his face.

    "Join us, we could use a little fire at our table!"

  13. Thorvald was taken aback by the sudden friendliness of the Banshee's minions. This was not Minx's style, at least not from what he'd seen. But neither of them had denied the accusation, 'Surely they must be trying to mislead me,' Thorvald thought to himself.

    // Perhaps we can speak... //

    But he looked closely in the faces of the two strangers, and what he saw convinced him that they couldn't be working with Minx. They didn't have the brutality, the depravity and the greed that he'd seen there. Minx hadn't killed him, but she had attacked unprovoked and managed to disarm and subdue Thorvald.

    Being taken prisoner by a forest bandit was not the reputation that he'd thought he'd be creating for himself when he left his home. And the shame of being ransomed back to his employer! Thorvald would be lucky if anyone in Bremel would hire him to muck their stables.

    'But these two are different...' he thought to himself as he sheathed his axe and shield.

    //... we could use a little fire at our table!//

    Thorvald picked up the Stonestout and accepted the mutton offered to him as he cautiously sat down at the table.

    "My name is Thorvald Raugberd, son of Thrush," he introduced himself, his voice significantly lowered from his earlier outburst, "and I will have my revenge on Minx the Banshee or I will die trying!"

  14. (Has the group settled on pursuing the bandit queen then?)

    1. ((I'm happy with whatever. My character will probably be satisfied with the promise of going after Minx, even if there is a detour to take care of something else first))

    2. ((I think Pie and I had agreed on going to the Druid grove, and perhaps looking for Minx clues while up there. If she's to the east, we planned on going after her after finding transport to Lochton.... I think.))

  15. During your discussion a tall, cloaked figure approaches your table. He pulls the hood back from his cloak and you see an Elf of indeterminate age, with severe features and yellowed teeth. He speaks deliberately and almost too quietly to hear in the crowded common room, "I was told I could find you here. I've come to inquire about joining your adventuring band."

  16. "Have a seat and for the love of the gods, my name is Tom, I'm sorta in charge of filling our our ranks." Tom looks at Thorvald and the newcomer. "I'll be honest, we've lost a man to a large spider in our last adventure and some that decided going out into the tall and uncut weren't for them. Our current plans are to go see about some blight that is affecting the druid grove, Draymun here is a druid and my friend, so we'll do that and look up an apparent enemy of Thorvald her, Minx the Banshee queen. Seems there's a large bounty on her head. Then we might head up to Ashmont, pick up some work or get some sort of passage toward the east. We need to head out to the eastern area to check on a mine a friend owns. I can't promise riches, but I can promise we'll stay busy. We eat well, if you need equipment, we'll get you some. We have a cleric that's seeing to some things, but the rest of us are here. What say you?"
    Tom catches the eye of the barkeep and motions for more food and drink to be brought to the table, then yells out, "Sorry for the noise folks, how about I buy a round of drinks for all."
    Tom pushes a chair toward the elf.

  17. A great cheer goes up and the people all crowd the bar for their share of your generosity. (It'll be 2gp for the whole place. Around 25 people at 8cp each.) Ghalen personally drops another round of food and drink off and claps you all on the back heartily.

    The elf looks confused for a moment until Thorvald pushes a chair under him and he plops down in a huff. He gathers his robes about him and scowls. He speaks and you have to lean forward to hear him over the cheering crowds drinking to the health of Tom. "I'm known as the Conjurer Rethas. I wish to expand my repertoire of spells and to do this, I must venture forth into the unknown. I require nothing but a half share of the treasure, food and any Arcane scrolls we encounter."

  18. "I would be willing to join you to discover the fate of the druid sanctuary. My people follow druidic magic as well, and I hold great respect for the elder druids of my village." Thorvald took a long drink from his mug before continuing.

    "But I need to find Minx the Banshee. I had been hired to guard a caravan travelling along the road southeast of Bremel. Minx and her band ambushed the caravan and I was overwhelmed and disarmed. She took me prisoner, blindfolded me and eventually ransomed me back to my employer for a hefty sum. I have been working to pay back that debt ever since, and was finally released from my obligation only a fortnight ago."

    "But the damage has been done to my reputation. No one in this town will hire me knowing what happened. I won't be satisfied until the entire world knows that Minx is dead and the name Thorvald is respected once more."

  19. (Do you have an accord with Rethas?)

  20. Draymun looks to the elf and strokes his beard for a moment. "The scrolls count toward your half share. The present company can request their use while we travel, and you shall be compensated for them. Agree to those terms, and we welcome you to our crew!"

  21. He scowls and says "then you must pay my passage and provision me." and nods his assent.

  22. Tom glances at Draymun and then says, "Done. Get a list of what you need for the journey and give it to Draymun, we'll get you the supplies. Get ready to go and we'll meet back here at dawn." Tom then turns to Thorvald, "And what supplies do you need for this adventure? And where does Minx do her dirty work, what can you tell us of her operation?"

  23. "Very well." He pulls out a scrap of scroll and a quill and writes a few things.

    -Wineskin, full
    -Scroll case
    -Vials, 6

    "This should suffice. I will take my leave of you then, I have...other matters to attend to."

  24. (If you're adding food, make sure to put it on your character sheets. Everyone needs about 2 pounds a day on the road.)

    1. ((So that means we currently have 14 pounds of iron rations on us?))

  25. "I have all of my supplies ready. Minx operates in the area south east of Bremel. She ambushed the caravan I was guarding without warning. They were very fast. Within moments, most of the drivers were dead. She took me as her prisoner and knocked me unconscious. when I came to, I was blindfolded and thrown across the back of a horse. We travelled for over an hour after I awoke, so her camp could be some ways from where she ambushed us." Thorvald paused to empty the last bits of ale in his mug.

    "If I'm to help with this druid grove and join you upon your quest, I will expect a full share of the spoils. My strength, and my knowledge of Minx will prove invaluable to you."

    "And," Thorvald began again leaning forward toward Tom, his long red hair hanging down on either side of his face and dropping onto the grime on the table, "When you see me in battle you will understand that I hold nothing back. If I'm putting my neck on the line, a share it will have to be."

  26. ((Seems like an appropriate time.))

  27. Khazad enters Stonestout Inn and glances around the room taking in the sights and savoring the smells before spying his companions and a new face seated at a table in the back. Striding confidently through the establishment several familiar faces glance up from their revelry and a few nods and smiles flit back from the gathering of the folk of Bremel. Realizing for the first time how much he will miss his simple life at the Church of Torag he glances at his feet and tries to hide his sorrow filled thoughts. By the time he reaches the table he has nearly banished the sadness from his mind.
    "Friends it is good to see you once more! A new face as well I see, well, welcome friend. Our desr Euri has seen the last of this world but his passing on was all that any dwarf could have wished for. Someday we shall have to make the pilgrimage back to give our thanks to this most true dwarf. Now... On to more pressing matters... Have we settled on a course of action? I assume you will all wish to head off come morning light but before then I may be able to secure us all some modest sleeping arrangements in the Church if you wish for some place a little more... Well... Quiet." Khazad grabs up a pitcher of Stonestout and pours himself a pint, taking out his pipe and smoking tobacco at the same time. Leaning in so that his voice does not carry, "I know that Bremel is as safe a town as any but for safety's sake I think that the brothers at the church might be better equipped to guarantee that we shant be bothered by pickpockets and cutthroats." Raising his voice to a modest volume and returning to his pipe Khazad remarks, "I am Khazad by the way my large fiery friend, a priest of the god Torag although I do not try to convert as some may think. I prefer to imagine that whatever God or ideas one may turn to are their own business, and not for me or mine to judge." Draining his drink Khazad turns to the remainders of the platter of food wrapping some bread, meat and potatoes into a swatch of cloth before taking some for himself. "Oh, my apologies friends... I only mean to take this food for any hungry fellows we may see after we leave the inn, that all may share in the bounty... I hope this is alright by you all but it is my way."

  28. "Hail, Kazad, I am Thorvald Raugberd, son of Thrush. I am one of the children of Thunor the Thunderlord. I would welcome shelter in the church for the night. I must admit that I will not be able to afford another night at the inn, at least not until I've found some work that pays."

  29. "I had hoped to donate all of my wealth to the church that my absence is not a burden on my fellows but I aid where it is most needed... Here is 50 gold, consider it a gift that Thorvauld might do right in this world once more."

  30. "You are too kind Khazad," Thorvald replied, graciously accepting the gift. "I am sure that your deity will show you great favor for your generosity."

  31. Tom looks at his companions and says, " Well I could use a few hours of sleep where I don't have to worry about pickpockets. We need to meet the sorcerer back here at dawn. Then we can supply up and heads to the grove.

  32. Draymun nods and stands with his companions to depart. Almost as a second thought, he looks back at the table and grumbles something about 'wasting good hospitality' and quickly reaches for the remaining Stonestout pitcher, hastily chugging it.

    He lets out a mighty belch.

    "Right, then, lads! Off we go!" He bellows a laugh and points at Ghalen as he heads for the door, nodding and smiling silent praise for the excellent evening.
