August 29, in the year 670 by Kingdom reckoning. Approximately 4:00 PM
Words are said and the body of Kheldru A'dune is returned to his ancestors. Draymun thinks it a fitting burial for a dwarf: being cremated underground.
Dwos, you feel a tingling sensation at the nape of your neck but as much as you look around, you see nothing. During the rest of the day, the sensation diminishes until you convince yourself it has gone.
As you leave the dungeon, Caris and Dwos stop short and look around. The scenery has changed. There are mountains to the West and you are in a forest. This isn't the same place you entered a century ago.
The trip back to Bremel is easy enough. You spend the first hour walking on unmarked trails through the wilderness but as the trees thin, you pick up the main southern road into town and the going is easier. You pass a few carts, laden with the last of the summer produce, bound for the market. The peasants give you a wide berth. All together, you walk at a leisurely pace for about 4 hours.
Those familiar with the village of Bremel find it much the same as they left it.
You are at the southern gate of Bremel. What would you like to do?
Caris looks at her companions and says "I would like to explore the village shops and armory. I suggest we split up and meet back at one of the inns for a cup of ale and the discussion of what happens to the group from here on out". With a friendly smile to each of her companions, she fusses with her hair in a window reflection and heads off in search of shopping conquests
ReplyDelete"Why don't we divide up the loot, I'll get Kring's to him after we split, I know I have to repair some armor and stock up on supplies. Perhaps we should see if one of the clerics and see if they would travel with us?"
ReplyDeleteCaris, we can do this one of two ways, either let me know what you're looking for and I'll let you know if and where you find it. Or, if you're just "window shopping" I'll generate a random list of stuff and you can see what you like.
ReplyDeleteTom, you can let everyone know what their share is and assume it's split. You'll find Kring in the Worg's Nest, drinking and muttering to himself about pits full of giant spiders. You're worried about him though. He's put on pants, which is a sure sign he's put the life of the Barbarian adventurer behind him.
Does anyone plan on visiting Euri at any point?
Generally window shopping, although I would like a puppy, more arrows, and some magical boots that the wearer can turn into any size heal to fit all occasions )this is the place we strive to live out our fantasies right? Lol)
Delete((My concern is that Dwos and Caris were in the dungeon at the same time as Euri and his brother, perhaps they shouldn't go with us? That would leave Tom and Draymun to go see Euri, unless Sam hasn't planned an encounter with Dwos/Caris and Euri being an issue))
ReplyDelete(Recall the path you took into the dungeon. It had their footprints. It had been looted. The dwarves only made it as far as the mold monster. So Euri won't know Dwos or Caris and will probably assume they were hired or joined the party. That is assuming he is still alive or cares about them at all. So I wouldn't worry about that.)
ReplyDelete((Okay, so let's plan on this: shop for your stuff, and then before we head out we'll go to Euri. Kevin's right, that time device could be pretty powerful, not sure I want to show to Euri, dying old men can grasp at stuff. ))
ReplyDeleteAfter handing each of the party members their share of the gold and silver, Tom finds Kring in the Worg's Nest and hands over his share of gold and silver, wishing Kring good adventures and an open invitation to join them should he decide to venture out of Bremel again. After that, Tom searches the city for a master weaponsmith, looking especially for one that might create swords with runes on them. ((Not sure if someone would know a magical sword or just chalk it up to really good steel or something, but basically looking for a weaponsmith who produces magical swords--I just have a hunch the runes might mean something.))
ReplyDeleteCaris enjoyed searching the village shops for treasures, both functional and somewhat girlie. "One hundred years and fashion still hasn't changed that much" she chuckled to herself. In one small shop, she saw over large socks that the owner could embroider names on the top. After inquiring what they were for, she promptly purchased one for each of her companions, plus a spare, and filled them with oranges, chocolates and other small treats.
ReplyDelete((Merry Christmas guys))
Caris, you explore the town for a while. You find a couple of nice shops that sell oddities and curiosities. You don't find any magic items. There are, however, many dogs for sale including war dogs, pack dogs and a couple of terriers used for flushing rabbits and other animals from their warrens.
ReplyDeleteTom, you find an old dwarven blacksmith who tells you that although he can't read the runes, the blade itself was made using techniques from several centuries ago. He doesn't sense any magical abilities in the weapon, however. If you still want to go to the temple, you'll find a young dwarf who is just finishing his morning chores who looks to be eager to adventure.
You can all purchase ammunition, weapons, traveling gear etc. on your own. Just add them to your character sheets and subtract the cost based on the costs given on the website.
Anyone else have anything specific they want to look for?
Otherwise we'll continue at Euri's place.
Caris comes out of a shop, cuddling a small grey puppy. "I shall name you Mathor, little one and we shall have great adventures" She can't keep from smiling as she tucks the wee thing up by her chin and heads off to find the others
Delete'ello, me name's Hamish. I've no land so I've no surname. Me ma and pa and little sisters were killed by goblins when I was out in the fields so I've nothing tying me down. If ye'll swear to give me a ha' share o yer treasure and let me eat from yer coffers, I'll be happy to accompany ye.
ReplyDeleteHamish is a male human Warrior. He's tall and skinny with a shock of bright red hair. He comes with a hand axe, dagger, chainmail and light wooden shield and a black cat named Rufus. Since he's an employee I'll keep his stats and run him and you'll be able to tell him what to do, within reason. If you ask him to do something against his nature or something harmful to his person, he'll get a reaction roll to see if he does it or not.
Any other equipment or gear that you decide he needs will be up to you to purchase.
Any other questions?